2009/6/10 Kiran K Karthikeyan <kiran.karthike...@gmail.com>

> Pakistani media is good fun. I turn to them for a good laugh now and then.
> I recently read an article detailing the widespread conspiracy unleashed by
> the Indian Government (and of course the BJP) in ---wait for it--- IPL of
> all things. I'll post it if I find it.

And here it is. What is scary is that people have time to manufacture such


IPL’s hidden political agenda Dr Abdul Ruff

In India literally every thing is predetermined, planned and executed for a
specific purpose and the outcome is thus fabricated accordingly. The tactics
being employed by Indian outfits to secure victory of its chosen team in the
ongoing IPL make one wonder if India is engaged in doing just only
manipulations and malpractices, fanaticism, cricketism and terrorism. As it
is known, India always believes in hidden strategies for pursing its
interests, including illegitimate and illegal, both at home and abroad, and
executed them through a bundle of committed paid agent outfits in every
field with over all supervision from the national and regional intelligence
outfits. Indian cricket is being promoted by Hindutva parties like Congress
and BJP to support the image of these political outfits. Apart from
manipulating the cricket matches to their advantages by prior arrangements
with other government agencies through embassies abroad on extra-payment
basis, Indians play destructive roles in cricket mafia and their sport
media. In order to outmaneuver stronger cricket teams like Pakistan, South
Africa, Australia and New Zealand, Indian outfits have planned various
strategies. With some of them India got into secret deals with rooted
through the concerned foreign agencies and thus clinched the issues of
fabricated records on priority basis, while the Indian media outfits blast
the news as “ Indian greats have achieved greatness” types..

The Indian PL variety currently being showcased in South Africa is perhaps
the biggest joke in cricket history, because India is unwittingly exploiting
the cash making mentality and match-fixing trends of cricketers, world wide.
Indians have terrorized Pakistan to keep that nation out of its hegemonic
march. India always want to get Pakistan out of cricket field altogether,
but that strategy has backfired as terror Indians, both state and non-state,
still target Pakistan by blasting missiles intermittently. Pakistan is
playing against Australia in Dubai these days showcasing its cricket
prowess. IPL was imposed by Indian strategists to make India look larger
than size.. What is funny is many foreign cricketers assist Indian outfits
to achieve their fanatic anti-Pakistan goal.

A regional terror state and military power that occupies alien Jammu Kashmir
and seeks US protection for that, India came out with IPL with maliciously
hegemonic motives. This time around the IPL has been timed to coincide with
Indian billionaires polls and is supposed to forecast the color of the next
anti-Islamic regime in New Delhi. The game plan by the Indian strategists
and intelligence outfits is to promote the teams that are considered “close”
to Hindutva moorings in the country. As it is, Delhi devils, Mumbai Indians
and Punjab teams are the popped up by the Congress-led ruling dispensation.
Cricket mafia s are at world behind scenes to get the required results, but
Hyderabad, considered by India as part of Pakistan, has a not topped the
race so far, annoying the Indian strategic outfit. Hyderabad team won all
the 3 matches although, it appears, some Indians themselves supported the
opposite teams. Indian media outfits and strategists are down now badly
because Hyderabad thrashed Mumbai India recently. On 26 Bangalore team
(Dravid Rahul declined to play or hit Delhi cricketers because he possibly
does not want to annoy politician Rahul Gandhi) was almost winning match
against Delhi, but, it is sure, the Indian bowlers switched sides to make
Delhi win. Similarly, Rajasthan was coerced to make room for Punjab.

Of course, IPL is an Indian game and Indian outfits can do whatever they
want to boost the images of leaders belonging to New Delhi, Mumbai and
Punjab because Indian intelligence and political outfits want a regime to be
headed by a leader from one of these places. But then India should claim be
an international fraud-cum-terrorist, and not a democracy or a decent state.
It is utter shame on the part of India to mix-up dirty politics with
cricket. The process of the current polls for “electing” the billionaires to
Parliament, who could pursue their agenda without depending solely on the
professional politicians, is lengthy even with the electronic machines and
there is no guarantee that these machines could not be operated through
distance as well deciding the fate of the nation. When any individual could
be terrorized through remote machines by creating terror dreams and
disallowing him or her to sleep, control over the electronic machines is of
any body’s guess. The point here is, depending on the “results” produced by
the IPL the New Delhi network began work to impose a regime to control
India. A lot of black money is being floated by the industrialists through
these IPL and other cricket shows with intelligence guidance. Not only India
wants to use foreign cricketers to play for India and train their young
aspiring cricket, but India has presided over the process of cricket
becoming a total farce. But why should India punish the South Africans to
pay for Indian mischief. Meanwhile Indian blue premier Manmohan Singh is
satisfied now with show-gift from one his fans in Ahmedabad on 26 April
while addressing a Congress poll meeting, because he has entered the top
list of the foot-wear attacked leaders globally that includes former US
president Bush. But why should Africans also suffer by witnessing the stage
managed Indian cricket game.

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