Shoba Narayan wrote, [on 3/24/2010 11:02 AM]:

> The TamBrahm analogy was because I know so many men who hate Roy and
> they always describe their dislike of her with this dispassionate,
> rational, logical, arguing-equations-in-IIT tone that bugs the shit out
> of me.  As if it was self-evident that Roy is an inferior writer and a
> hypocrite activist... when in fact this dislike goes deeper and more
> visceral than that...and I am curious why.

Well, speaking for myself, I would say that I am merely attempting to
describe why Roy "bugs the shit out of me".

At best, she is dishonest and a hypocrite who is using her gift of the
gab to gloss over holes in her argument; and to further her own agenda -
one that is light-years distant from her public one. This is the same
sort of objection I have to, say, Sri Sri Sri Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

At worst, she is evil - not a term I throw around lightly.

((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ ((

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