Charles Haynes [24/03/10 19:49 +1100]:
I'm bemused by how much ill will is directed towards someone who, from
my point of view, is nothing more than an outspoken writer pandering
to popular prejudices. Is her brand of demagoguery appealing to a
demographic that is uncomfortably close to home in contrast to, say
Modi who's power base is a safe psychic distance away?

How safe a distance would that be, Charles? I have at least two close
relatives who are card carrying BJP members and who idolize Modi.

Aside from a minority of people who are actually engaged / involved in the
civil society crowd there's nobody who is *that* close to home. It is just
that thugs and demagogues affiliated to various right and left wing
political parties are kind of "declared", and expected.
She doesnt want to bill herself as a demagogue - but as a historian and a
reporter. Its like fox news, confusing themselves between news and opinion

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