On Wednesday 24 Mar 2010 2:19:04 pm Charles Haynes wrote:
> I'm bemused by how much ill will is directed towards someone who, from
> my point of view, is nothing more than an outspoken writer pandering
> to popular prejudices. Is her brand of demagoguery appealing to a
> demographic that is uncomfortably close to home in contrast to, say
> Modi who's power base is a safe psychic distance away?

Another you farted allegation. Ho hum. So what's new?

Playing the Modi card. Modi is a murderer. Soemone on Silk does not like Roy, 
but perhaps he does not mind Modi. He therefore sympathises with the murder 
of Muslims and that explains why he hates Roy.

Connecting up two unconnected points in order to make an insinuation about 
someone on this list. Even for pointless sophistry this ranks as a singularly 
vicious, albeit pathetic attempt.  On a scale of 1 to 10 where ARoy gets 10, 
you get  1.5. 

Smearing someone on the list with an insinuation that brings in Modi does not 
make ARoy better, but tells me something about the tactics used to support 
her. 8/10 for that. 


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