On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 5:48 PM, Udhay Shankar N <ud...@pobox.com> wrote:

> I'm curious. How many of you listen to music as a single-tasking
> activity? Or at least, the primary foreground activity? And what
> differentiates that from other modes of listening to music?

Me. And listening to music as the primary (actually, only) activitiy is very
different from having music on as the background to other activities, when I
am hearing, not listening. When I listen to music, I am so concentrated on
it that it is...hmm, sounds pretentious to say this, but ...a form of yoga.
This will happen with any form of music that I like...it doesn't have to be
classical music.

Funny, but it was just yesterday that it happened twice to me. A radio in a
chai stall was playing an old Hindi movie song and entranced, I stopped
drinking my chai, and had to be pulled back to reality by irate friends.

In the evening, we stopped at Maddur "Tiffany's" (more about calling a
"tiffin" restaurant "Tiffany's" or "Tiffanese" later) and they had the daily
concert. A flutist was playing extraordinarily well, and I was lost in
Kharaharapriya, and forgot that I was eating dinner...closed my eyes and was
enjoying the music.

I'd say...the difference between hearing and listening.


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