On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 10:31 AM, Udhay Shankar N <ud...@pobox.com> wrote:

> On 08-Oct-10 9:46 AM, Sruthi Krishnan wrote:
> > But serious listening is different -- it becomes a task in itself (of
> > course, a very pleasurable one).
> Indeed. I'd also claim that single-task listening to music and
> background or multitask listening to the very same piece of music are
> qualitatively different experiences.
> Case in point: I was attempting to see if I could perceive the
> difference between a (high quality) MP3 file and the original CD through
> (high-quality) earphones. So I was listening very hard to the same songs
> twice over, working my way through an album. The actual differences
> merit a thread of their own, but what struck me forcefully is just how
> much detail and depth one perceives when listening with all of one's
> concentration.

Very well said, Udhay. One of the forms of meditation that I was taught was
to listen carefully and follow one single instrument throughout a musical
piece. It is a fascinating form of meditation and it taught me how even
relatively minor instruments that may be used just once or twice in a
composition, enhance the whole melody.


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