On Wednesday 20 April 2011 02:56 PM, ss wrote:
> These are people who eat all the things that are praised as being good by 
> some 
> people . Complex starch as opposed to sugar. Plenty of vgetables. 

Shiv is right.  Lots more complex starch than vegetable.

Very little fiber (milled rice has next to no fiber compared to brown /
unpolished rice, "half boiled rice" etc)

Vegetables, like meat, usually cooked in lots of oil at high
temperatures so that the oils break into saturated fats.

Use of saturated fats like ghee (or worse, hydrogenated vegetable oil
like "dalda").

etc .. all those get you quite interestingly sized potbellies. [like mine]

On the other hand, for truly grossly obese type fat - you can take the
typical gujarati diet, sugar in almost everything, lots of ghee and
butter .. or the typical punjabi diet, which includes a huge amount of
cream and the invariable drink is high fat whole milk, or yogurt made of
whole milk.

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