>>  I wish it is possible, it is kind of exciting to imagine...
> Just wish to point out  that there are many concepts that are fact
> today...and which were considered utterly impossible before

This one, it is really a mind bender to consider how it could be possible.

Because of the relativistic phenomena of the "relativity of
simultaneity", if faster-than-light travel was possible, we would have
to throw away causality. I don't know about you, but I like causality.
It's rather hard to imagine what life would be without it.

>From wikipedia:

    If the spatial distance between two events A and B is greater
    than the time interval between them multiplied by c then
    there are frames of reference in which A precedes B, others
    in which B precedes A, and others in which they are
    simultaneous. As a result, if something were travelling
    faster than c relative to an inertial frame of reference, it
    would be travelling backwards in time relative to another
    frame, and causality would be violated. In such a
    frame of reference, an "effect" could be observed before
    its "cause". Such a violation of causality has never been
    recorded, and would lead to paradoxes such as the
    tachyonic antitelephone.


Exciting times indeed.

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