On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 8:40 AM, Guillaume Marceau <gmarc...@gmail.com>wrote:

> >>  I wish it is possible, it is kind of exciting to imagine...
> >
> > Just wish to point out  that there are many concepts that are fact
> > today...and which were considered utterly impossible before
> This one, it is really a mind bender to consider how it could be possible.
> Because of the relativistic phenomena of the "relativity of
> simultaneity", if faster-than-light travel was possible, we would have
> to throw away causality. I don't know about you, but I like causality.
> It's rather hard to imagine what life would be without it.

That is precisely the exciting part...the un-imaginability of it....who
could have foreseen that we could communicate with each other, in seconds,
across the globe....that I could share a scene I've just witnessed....that
you can look at me, and I at you....even a couple of decades ago?

> From wikipedia:
>    If the spatial distance between two events A and B is greater
>    than the time interval between them multiplied by c then
>    there are frames of reference in which A precedes B, others
>    in which B precedes A, and others in which they are
>    simultaneous. As a result, if something were travelling
>    faster than c relative to an inertial frame of reference, it
>    would be travelling backwards in time relative to another
>    frame, and causality would be violated. In such a
>    frame of reference, an "effect" could be observed before
>    its "cause". Such a violation of causality has never been
>    recorded, and would lead to paradoxes such as the
>    tachyonic antitelephone.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speed_of_light#Upper_limit_on_speeds

Yabbbaaah, barely made sense of that jungle of words.

I somehow have a sense of time as a kind of tapestry hanging on a wall; we
move past; what is behind us at right in front of us is visible to us, but
what is ahead is hidden. Suppose we find a way of approaching the tapestry
from the other side, or a way of "unhiding" the hidden....with time travel,
one could go to other parts of the tapestry....if I presuppose the outcomes
(results) of certain actions to be fixed (no open-ended "if this, then
that") events, and time, could  be (theoretically) approached from the
"other side" too.

I think this would have to be one's consciousness moving through time,  as
one's physical body would be bound by the time frame of its existence....My
imagination fails at this point....and as you say, what is unimaginable gets

I love the Calvin series on his meeting his past and future selves.....made
me think a lot.

I realize this is an inarticulate post. But I can't express it better.

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