Deepa Mohan wrote [2011-09-23 07:07]:
> Just wish to point out  that there are many concepts that are fact
> today...and which were considered utterly impossible airliner
> weighing several tons, flying in the air; man reaching the moon; talking in
> real time, with hardly an effort,  to a person halfway across the world;
> being able to see the smallest detail of someone's attire from a point in
> space....the list is endless. So....why not? I still cannot get over the
> fact that sitting at home, I am able to  read the book that my
> grand-daughter is holding in her hands in St.Louis.....

The difference between the examples cited and this news is that the
above are not physical impossibilities but practical impossibilities: no
one could figure out how to do any of them well enough.  This on the
other hand, seemingly challenges a physical law: not just something that
seems darned hard to do, but that should, by definition, be impossible.

- Pranesh

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