On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 6:49 PM, Chetan Nagendra <che...@nagster.org> wrote:
> Appalled by the parents mentioned in the article. Gross negligence by any
> standards. Why have kids in the first place?

Every couple of months we go through a panic stricken routine of
trying to replace our nanny. I've been lucky enough to be working for
relatively understanding employers who've tolerated weeks of working
from home.

But I can definitely sympathise with parents who've been caught
between a rock and a hard place with child care woes.

The unspoken assumption in both this thread and the 40-hour week one
that anyone who sacrifices family or personal time for work is a bad
parent is, quite frankly, elitist crap. Sexist too, because it's the
mothers who face the brunt of criticism.

I've been laid off in the past and worried how I was going to make
mortgage payments or pay school fees. I'm not going to apologise for
trying to ensure it doesn't happen again. If that means a 50 or 60
hour week, well, tough shit.

Forgoing my wife's paycheck is also a luxury that we can't afford.
Luckily, we're able to arrange things such that one of us is with the
kids most of the day. I shudder to think what would have happened if I
wasn't able to work 20hrs of my 50hr week at home.

I suspected I would have hated it, but lived with it. Rather like the
people in the article, I suspect.

-- b

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