On Saturday 14 Apr 2012 7:13:53 pm ss wrote:
> mleccha

> parayan (pariah)

> hijda
hermaphrodite (pejorative)

> napunsak
impotent, castrated

> lifafa
Literally: envelope (One who works for bribes delivered in an envelope)

> chamcha
obsequious, fawning, flattering

> lota
water container with spout specifically designed to rinse one's bottom after 

> loser
One who always loses

> twit
contemptible person

> dick

> baboon
Animal. Primate

> insufferable bore (or other word)
one with some intolerable characteristic

> pea-brain
small brain, stupid

> blithering idiot
incoherent fool

> blabbering nincompoop
a fool whose words are meaningless

> ass licker
one who uses his tongue to clean bottoms

> pile of dog poop
canine turd

> shit eater
one who indulges in coprophagy

> limp dick
detumescent penis

> curry-breath
Indian after dinner

> Gunga Din
Coloured person who sucks up to white people, coconut, (white on the inside, 
brown on the outside)

> Uncle Tom
Model black man who sucks up to white people

> nigger
dark complexioned person (pejorative)

> Paki
Pubic hair, clean shaven pubes

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