> So when did you join silklist, and how did you hear about it?
> Udhay

I think I joined sometime in 1998 or 1999.  I had not long been on the internet 
and was given a little book about the internet and the things you could do on 
it from my ISP, PIPEX.  One of the suggestions was 'email lists'.  So I typed 
that in the prevalent search engine of the time (I think it was Alta Vista) and 
near the top of the results was silk-list - with the tag about it being a place 
to have knowledgeable conversations etc.  So I subscribed...  

Although I do not participate much I take great interest in the posts and 
following the discussions.  I have found that the way I personally approach 
discussions, arguments and logical thought has changed in the fifteen or so 
years.  And I frequently discuss topics raised on Silk with some of my friends. 
 I sometimes feel a little overwhelmed by the collective intellect of the list 
to post replies.  

Silk has lead me to discover many authors, Cory and John included; many areas 
for self-study, technology and sociology; books such as the Illuminatus Trilogy 
and last week I ordered 'The works: Anatomy of a city'; and... the cultural 
aspects.  (When I saw the listing in the search engine there was nothing to 
suggest that the majority of the participants in the list were predominantly 
living in India or part of the Indian diaspora).  

The cultural aspect gave me an interest in India.  And in a way, I found it 
helped me with the experience of India when I had the privilege of spending 
eleven months there with work in 2006 (I had an apartment in Pune May - 
December as well as spending time in Delhi and Mumbai). Being able to give 
salutations in Hindi is a great icebreaker with new colleagues that I meet.   
[It is with reverence, some amusement and I hope respect from Indian colleagues 
I have worked with that I include in joint implementation plans an activity to 
break a coconut on the evening prior to any cutover to live].  

My email archive has been maintained since 2001 and I enjoy re-reading posts; 
some of my favourites being 'buffer overruns from 2002 and Adam Rifkin's 'I 
wake up, and once again it's December 9' from 2003.  [I have a draft in my head 
of my take - 'I wake up and once again it's April 12' and I may share one day]. 

During the past fifteen years, my life and career has changed in many ways.  
From being a bingo hall manager at the beginning to now enjoying a career as a 
consultant business analyst.  

My personal life has changed as well.  From raising one fabulous son out of the 
ruins of one (and so far only) marriage to meeting the love of my life and the 
happy birth of my second son last year.  In the middle I have gone through 
depression and a shambolic personal life to hopefully coming out of it a better 
person.  I no longer drink alcohol and have not done so in three years and 
eight months.  It took me while to discover why driver-ji called me sarabi 

Udhay's post has made me think about what silklist has meant to me.  I was not 
invited, I did not know anyone 'in real life' and I had no noteworthy 
achievements that would solicit my 'collection' in to the list.  To my great 
shame I have not met any of the dear participants - even when I was in the 
vicinity.  I am not an active silklister.  But, Silk has been and is a thread 
with some meaning and fondness through life's web so far.  

I hope you forgive my indulgence in this post.  


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