Hello Silver Listers

Three weeks ago, I made a post explaining that I had been diagnosed with
Pityriasis Rosea, a skin rash that, according to orthodox medicine, is
believed to be viral in nature and should last anywhere between 2-8

I know this pales in comparison to some of the maladies that various
people on this list experience from day to day, but the itching and
sinus condition that accompanied my "affliction" was very uncomfortable
and drove me to impatiently seek its elimination.  I also thought that
this would be a good way to experiment with CS and other modalities.

I had some good suggestions for how to use CS, and I thank all that
replied.  Most of the suggestions were to apply CS directly to the
affected area (my neck), with gauze if possible.  As gauze was too
impractical for me to have on my neck during work, I kept a spray bottle
by my side and kept my neck moist as much as I could.  Unfortunately,
the CS did not have the effect I was hoping for (which is why I think
that this "affliction" was not viral in nature).

What follows is a list (by week) of what I tried:

Week 1:  It started with a sinus condition that I suspected was an
allergic reaction or an infection of some kind.  I was sneezing a lot
and a mucus formed and hardened in my nasal passage that was VERY

Week 2:  I started to get a "rash" on my neck and had it diagnosed by an
MD friend as Pityriasis Rosea.

Week 3:  I posted the Silver List for suggestions and started to spray
the affected area  (both nose and neck) with CS.

Week 4:  After a week of spraying the area, I got NO noticeable change
in my condition.  Being impatient, I inquired about Tahitian Noni
possibly doing the trick.  I purchased a bottle and started using it

Week 5:  After taking the Noni for a week, I noticed very little change
(although I felt more energetic and generally felt "better").  Again
frustrated, I chose to pursue yet another modality...Colonics.  After
ONE treatment (I hadn't had a treatment in probably 10 years), 3 days
afterwards, the rash COMPLETELY disappeared.  After another treatment,
the sinus condition disappeared as well.

Now given my impatience with each method, it is difficult to tell
whether one particular modality might have helped if I had stuck with it
for longer.  The fact that I was taking Noni and doing Colonics at the
same time also confuses matters in determining what actually worked.
Since this "affliction" is supposed to last between 2-8 weeks, the other
possibility is that it just "naturally" left my system on "its" own.

Sorry for the long post, but I had some responses early on that said
they wanted me to list the results.  If I were to draw any
"conclusions," I would recommend Colonics for anyone curious.  They have
always produced good results for me.  In fact, as a side benefit, after
my most recent Colonic treatments, I noticed the diminishment of a
couple of small cysts I had.

Anyway, my 2 cents!

Thanks all,


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