I had and may still have a paper for a cure that was signed and endorsed by
the then 12
directors of the AMA.  The cure was by a gentleman named Hoxey.  When he
refused to let AMA set the price structure, AMA retracted their endorsement
and kicked him
out of the USA.  My dad lived about an extra 40 years after he was supposed
to be dead.  He beat cancer 3 separate times.  The cure is out there my
friends, but it is difficult to wade through all of the junk.  The internet
may help us to change the monopoly on medicine.  <I hope>

After reading some of the other mail that followed, I decided to add this to
keep from starting another war.  I really don't think that the average
doctor is part of the bigger medical monster that tries to keep us in the
dark regarding our health.  Most physicians that I know started with a
desire to help people.  While some are very indoctrinated in the currently
acceptable medical babble, others are seeking the answers just as we are.
My disgust is with the powers that be that seek to make a profit from our
pain and suffering.  Strangely, where money is involved, men lose their
Altruistic ideals in short order.  I don't know the exact figure, but we are
talking Billions of dollars that are at risk here for the American medical
machine.  I read somewhere that if all Cancer could be cured tomorrow, 50%
of all doctors would be out of a job.  How many times do we hear of a
promising new treatment, and then it is never heard of again.  The question
isn't does suppression of treatment occur, but rather is to what extent does
it occur and can we change that.  I think we can, and I think it will be
through the free exchange of ideas just like we are now doing.  The real
bummer, as I stated before, is wading through all of the garbage that
equally corrupt people are trying to sell us.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cisco <ci...@iftech.net>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Date: Tuesday, May 26, 1998 9:16 AM
Subject: Re: American Cancer Society

>What has changed with these people in 100 years.....CUT/POISON/BURN and
>get paid better than most people on the planet.....HHHmmmm I need a new
>occupation! The fact is that of 1000 people who go to them 50% die in
>the first 5 years.....and of the balance only 5 percent survive another
>5 years.....he lets give them more money to kill people....HAR! HUMOR, I
>dont buy into it....I have seen it happen and we have a new CANCER
>CLINIC open on island....110,000 people and we have a 4 million dollar
>clinic on Guam.....I am impressed....nice parking lot they are expecting
>lots of people....230 spaces.....
>Susan M. Yensen wrote:

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