Hi all,

This thread is being cross-posted into the silver-list from the 
rife-list, so I realize it's not entirely intentional. And I agree we 
have a *lot* to be suspicious about...

But as hard as it may be to deal with, please remember that some of
our own members are in medicine and science, and that there are good
people in the mainstream system *whom we need to reach*!

So let's try not to offend our true friends...

Various folks wrote:

> Those turkeys know what we know ... they know how to cure cancer
> but won't release the info because they are milking it for every
> dollar that they can get.

> They know what it is not--the cure that is.  They are beginning to
> "have to" start announcing microbial etiology because the evidence
> is overwhelming. 
> if it is approved by the fda it very well may be hazardous to
> living things--like homo sapiens!

> CUT/POISON/BURN and get paid better than most people on the
> planet....

> You give these vultures too much credit. THEY do not know how to
> cure cancer........ 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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