> From:          "Dean Woodward" <woodw...@educelec.com>
> To:            <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> Subject:       RE: American Cancer Society
> Date:          Tue, 26 May 1998 20:08:33 -0500
> Reply-to:      silver-list@eskimo.com

Dear Mr. Woodward,
        I do not mean to be argumentative with you, but let's look at the 
facts. I have a cousin who is an MD, and I know he would not risk the 
lives of his patients either. But let's look at the truth here. We 
are talking about the FDA, the AMA and the ACS. These organizations 
have shown time and time again they do not care for people. They only 
want to make a buck. Unfortunately, the MDs are regulated by these 
organizations and because they are licensed, must go according to the 
regulations set up by these organizations. If it not FDA approved, 
and the AMA doesn't recommend it, then the MD CAN'T tell people about 
it. No matter how well it works.
        Also, if you think that anyone can get colloidal silver FDA approved 
in this present time, you are sadly fooling yourself. Do you really 
think that the FDA is there just to approve things for MD to use to 
help people get well? Then why don't we have FDA approval on all the 
wonderful herbal remedies. Many of which have been proven to work by 
many medical researchers. Even the FDA has said that many of them 
work. Why can't your son prescribe his patients to take herbs instead 
of drugs? (Let him try and see how long he keeps his license!)
Why would we want to spend millions of dollars to try to get FDA 
approval on colloidal silver when now we can make it for pennies and 
can use all we want to and give away and sell all we want to.
        To get the FDA, the AMA and the ACS to accept our alternative 
remedies is not the answer. The answer is to reach the people and 
change their attitudes away from thinking the FDA, AMA and ACS are 
GOD, and teaching them that alternatives work better than drugs in 
most cases, and they have almost no side effects. Name me one drug 
that has NO side effects. Most of them have death as a side effect!!!
        If you peel back all the layers of the medical machine, you will 
find the drug companies. They are the one running the show. And their 
only motive is MONEY! They only reason they would want to prolong 
your life is so they could get more of your money!
        I don't like giving an opinion that goes against someone else, but 
we have all been brainwashed by the powers that be (myself included, 
just 3 years ago I would have agreed with you wholeheartedly). But 
once you learn the truth, you can never be fooled again!!!
        Take care! I hope you can learn the real truth about the FDA, AMA 
and the ACS, and know that no matter how good hearted your son is, he 
is controlled by them and has very little choice but to do what they 
tell him to do.
        God Bless you and yours!
        Jim Einert, N.D.

> I'm sure that there are some profit-motivated people in research who are
> more interested in their income than they are in saving lives. I am also
> sure that they are very much in the minority, and that more people in
> research are as interested as you and I in seeing lives saved. My own son is
> an MD, and I have been privvy to the extent to which he goes to protect the
> lives entrusted to his care. I am 1000% sure that he would never suppress
> information that would be of value to his patients in order to increase his
> income.
> So, please, let's not paint with so wide a brush that we tar those good
> people who are devoting their lives to helping others live longer, more
> comfortable, lives.
> We don't need to do that. Let's concentrate on the positive, rather than the
> negative.
> The present positive is that we have access to what is arguably the most
> positive force yet made available to man - that is colloidal silver. We can
> never bring this development to the majority of the people without active,
> knowing, convinced participation of the main-stream medical world. If you
> doubt this please read the book "A Remarkable Medicine Has Been Overlooked"
> by Jack Dreyfus. Or, even better, read his book "The Lion of Wall Street" by
> the same author which details his efforts  to bring to the medical community
> the truth - that Dilantin has a vast range of benefits apart from the
> anticonvulsant role to which the medical establishment has relegated it. I
> can personally attest to the truth of his mission in that thirty years ago
> Jack Dreyfus' efforts saved my life. Thirty years later those efforts
> continue to contribute to the quality of my life.
> We need convinced people who will help us establish not the truth of our
> position on CS, but the TRUTH ABOUT CS!  I believe that ultimately we must
> form a non-profit, publicly-supported, corporation which will take CS
> through the arduous process of testing and justification to our government,
> in the form of the FDA. If we can do that it will be the first time in
> history, and will be an historic event of the first order. Power to the
> people will then be a reality.
> With love,
> Dean Woodward

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