You give these vultures too much credit.
THEY do not know how to cure cancer........

Though their eyes are wide open they are blind.
They are milking C for research dollars.
Just another type of welfare recipient.
Your Federal taxes support these bums.


-----Original Message-----
From: Reid Smith <>
To: Z <>
Date: Tuesday, May 26, 1998 5:07 AM
Subject: Re: American Cancer Society

>>Don't give them a cent.
>>Spend it on alternatives.
>   That's the same way I feal and one of the reasons that I started the
>Rife Foundation. Those turkeys know what we know and I'd bet anything 
>I own agianst a donut that they know how to cure cancer but won't release
>the info because they are milking it for every dollar that they can get.
>Take Care 

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