>Hi list,
>       I have a question for the list. I would like to have some feed back 
>with ideas, or if anyone has tried this, let me know.
>       Would it be possible to make CS using an herb tea combination 
>instead of distilled water? If you did this would the silver bond to 
>the ingredients of the tea to make something good or bad?
>       There are several formulas which including CS might improve the 
>effects, plus you should be able to store the teas for a long time 
>with CS as bacteria would not grow in it!
>       I know I can always just add the CS to a very strong tea base, and 
>this may be what I do, but I was just wondering what might happen if 
>you used an herb tea to "cook" your CS in???
>       Give me your thoughts!
>       Jim Einert, N.D.

   Give it a try and see what happens with two glasses of milk. Put
CS in one and nothing in the other and see if the one with CS lasts
longer. Then try it with the tea-CS. Also you'll probally have to 
lower the m-amps when making it with Tea because the Tea will be
additives to the distilled water causing it to become more conductive.

   Also it would probally be better to make the tea first then the
CS from the tea. If my theory is right then if you have CS and 
boil it then it's possable to change the ionic properties or charge 
of the CS. The theory is that water is more of a positive charge. 
When it's boiled it becomes more negitive and turns into steam.  
Take Care 


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