I believe it was Jim Einert who first pointed it out to me, could be
wrong, but I believe so.

Melatonin has several side effects when used in concentrates. The worst
is a sexual deficiency, although in the beginning this is not so.

It can also cause system regression although 75 mg per day has provided
many great results with cancer. This research is only reported by the
producer of the product who has now licensed a multitude of companies to
manufacture it. We use it for relief of sleep loss due to pain and to
sleep disorders.....

I would suggest Jim respond with this findings as I have done follow up
on it and read some things most disturbing and he is much more clear on
the subject.


It's not me wrote:
> Cisco,
> What are the bad side effects of prolonged Melatonin use?  I have not seen
> any serious negative side effects in any of the current stuff I have read.
> I would like to know because I sell a boat load of this stuff and would hate
> to think that people are hurting themselves.  I like to warn people and let
> them decide whether to continue using a product.  I would appreciate any
> info that you could provide to me.
> Vern
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cisco <ci...@iftech.net>
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 10:06 PM
> Subject: Re: URINE PH
> >Joe and Jim and Listers,
> >
> >pain is involved. We now use Melatonin even though the prolonged use has
> >bad side effects the short term help is required with several of the
> >Maleria strains and the two TB's strains. Pain and loss of sleep causes
> --
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