> From:          "JOSEPH T HARRISON" <harris...@prodigy.net>
> To:            <jein...@troi.csw.net>
> Cc:            <rife-l...@eskimo.com>, <silver-list@eskimo.com>,
>                "Multiple recipients of list DOWSING" <dows...@intuition.org>
> Subject:       Re: URINE PH
> Date:          Thu, 21 May 1998 20:52:53 -0400

> > I have just gotten a PH meter and have been keeping track of my urine
> > PH for a few days.  Have also checked my distilled water.
> > The distilled water has tested 5.9, 5.6, 6.0, 5.8 Also tested with the
> > TDS 1 for PPM which was 1 to 2 PPM for all tests. I thought that distilled
> > water should be neutral or PH 7.0.
> >
> Hi Joe,
> I have tested my distilled water lately, and found it to be somewhat
> acid as well. I buy bottled distilled water, and I have read that it
> can go more acid as it sets, but should be neutral pH 7 when first
> made. I plan to do more study on this later. Still I believe you
> should be drinking distilled water.
> Jim
> I make my own distilled water, by the dual distalation process, this
> uses two containers separated  by a catch system and spout. The
> upper tank acts as a condenser by having an inverted funnel inside,
> and the water is preheated to drive off low temp distillates. This water
> is then manually poured into the lower tank where H2O is boiled off at
> a low flame to prevent splashing into the separator.  I don't believe that
> better distilled water can be had for a reasonable cost, and I only use
> store bought distilled water when traveling, which has been rare of late.
> > The urine test readings were taken at wakeup + just before bed.
> >
> >                   Wakeup                        late in day
> > 05/16          5.1                                7.0
> > 05/17            5.3                                6.3
> > 05/18            5.3                                6.5
> > 05/19            5.0                                6.8
> > 05/20            5.1                                7.2
> > Is this unusual, as this is the first time that I have had more than 1
> > test in 1 day? MDs seem to think 1 test every 30 to 90 days is OK.
> > The last urine test that I have was done by a hospital on 02/27/98
> > which was done at the same time as a blood test, was in the morning
> > and fasting for 12 hrs. The PH  was 5.2
> >
> In the urine saliva testing I do, you don't use the first urine of
> the day, and you fast for 2 hours before checking your pH. Best time
> to take the pH is around 2 p.m. Fast those 2 hours and give me a pH
> reading for that, and I can tell you more.
> I rarely eat anything in the morning, taking only a sip or two of distilled
> water until lunchtime.  So most of the ( late in day ) tests are fasting
>  for 2 to 4 hrs.
Hi Joe,
        That being the case, I see your pH is moving a quiet a bit. it went 
from alkaline at 7.0 then droped to 6.3 and went back up to alkaline 
again. You need to keep a record of what you eat to see what might be 
making you pH move around so much. Something you eat, drink or take 
is moving it around. You need some calcium to level it out. Probably 
a calcium citrate or a chelated calcium.
> > I have SLEEP APNEA and am on a Bi-PAP machine every night.
> > Also have had anemia for 10 years and have had blood transfusions
> > several times, last blood test RBC  was  4.84 just above the low
> > of 4.40 to 5.90 normal range, several other  tests are low also.
> > Have had kidney infections for 10 yrs also, have been on almost constant
> > antibiotics until 9 mos ago started CS, three current urine tests have
> shown
> > no bacteria growth.  One problem eliminated, I hope!
> > Have kidney stones, many X-RAYs were negative, but in 95 got them to
> > run an IVP X-RAY series which showed large stones  invisible to the
> regular
> > X-RAYs.  Was to have removed in Jan 97 but canceled at last minute because
> > of anemia.
> > Have pain in feet, ankles, legs upper and lower, knees, and hips,
> sometimes
> > being unable to walk, sometimes require cane, sometime no symptoms at all.
> > X-RAYs unable to find any problem.
> The kidney stones that I have are STRUVITE the rarest type and are caused by
> bacterial action.
> My calcium levels at least according to the MDs and hospital blood test are
> normal at 9.5 with the normal range being mg/dl (8.7- 10.1). Is it  still
> possible
> to have a calcium deficiency when blood tests show normal?

Yes! The body will pull calcium from the bones to keep the blood 
calcium levels normal. If the blood pH gets off too much either way, 
you die! So the body uses calcium to buffer the pH of the blood. If 
you have a calcium deficiency the body will pull calcium from the 
bones to keep the blood pH at a normal level. I still think the 
kidney stones are made from calcium even if they are caused by 
bacterial action. 

> First off, I can tell you that you have a . The
> kidney stones are caused by a calcium deficiency, plus the pain you
> have in your legs and feet are probably caused by the calcium
> deficiency as well. When the body chemistry gets off, the body will
> not accept minerals even if you are taking plenty of the right kind!
> You also have an iron/vitamin B-12 deficiency which is causing the
> anemia. My mother is to most forms of iron, and she is on
> kidney dialisis 3 times per week. The MD's were unable to do anything
> about her iron. She would have to have blood every now and then. Then
> I started working on the problem, and found the herb Yellow Dock to
> be high in iron, so she started taking that. It helped, but would
> never get her iron level up to normal. Then I added a product called
> Doc's Ferro Tonic, which was developed by the man who started the
> urine/saliva test I do. That did the trick. She found the yellow dock
> made her have the runs, and the Ferro Tonic made her constipated, so
> she was able to balance the two supplements so she was regular, and
> at the same time brought her blood levels of iron up to normal!!!
> I would also be interested in what foods you eat. That is probably
> playing a part in your health (a big part!)
> Take care. Keep me posted! God Bless you!
> Jim Einert, N.D.
> I am also allergic to any iron products that have ferrous sulfate in them
> which is in every one the MDs prefer. I was supposed to take 2 ferrous
> sulfate tablets three times a day, I took two and was deathly sick for
>  three days, the MDs answer was to take only one tablet per day,
> which only made me sick for two days.  He assured me that it was not
> possible to be alergic to iron pills, I went directly to the library and
> looked
> in the drug co. manual and found that it was a low percentage but many
> people are in fact alergic to iron products. After many trys I found that I
>  use could ferrous gluconate, and have been taking them for 4yrs.
>  I eat  mostly a veg diet including home grown sprouts, have slowly
> moved in this direction  since I became ill, but still crave meat, chicken.
>  This may not be bad,according to D'Adamo blood type O need some
>  meat to be healthy. I have found that many of the things  that  he says
> for type O to avoid I naturely dislike.  I still eat some things that he
> says
> to avoid like cabbage, and whole wheat bread, I have cut them out for
> long periods and did not notice any change in my condition without
> them  or when they were resumed.
>  Thank You  Joe Harrison
Joe, you might try adding a good all purpose enzyme product, as it 
may help you digest the nutrients in your food and supplements. Get 
one that contains a broad spectrum of enzymes, including pancreatic 
enzymes and ox bile.
Take Care!


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