-----Original Message-----
From: Darryl <vital.ea...@hunterlink.net.au>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Date: Thursday, May 21, 1998 5:32 AM
Subject: Re: nutrients

>You make some good points, however.........  I'm going to go out on a limb
>here and say that it isn't the fact that you disagree with people, it is
>way you go about it that causes the problem.

You may have noticed that I pointed out that you make some good points.  I
guess it bugs me a bit to see someone trying to contribute something and
their ideas are called dumb and ignorant.  The person who contributed this
experience (Cisco) has had some good information for some of us.  Maybe the
idea of using CS in the irigation is not one of the best ideas, but hardly
dumb or ignorant.  People here are experimenting and learning.  Some things
work and some don't.  I'm not opposed to pointing out error.

>I am not being combative for the sake of it, but don't you think we loose
>credibility here if we accept stuff just because it is contributed ????  [

I do.  Don't you also think we lose credibility if we forgoe common courtesy
in our discourse?

>facts, not fantasies or  apologies ....after all he contributed the
>information as " facts" ...someone not knowing otherwise would make a big
>error in accepting those " facts "  and implementing them, C/S would
>suffer, as would the user of C/S ...and all because just the opposite case
>was not put up forcefully enough!

Forcefully yes, rudely no.  The quickest way to send a bunch of people
packing from a discussion is to let it deteriate into name calling and
bashing.  "Your idea is incorrect" is forcefull, "Your idea is stupid" is

>Perhaps a sharper tone will cause people to think or check their facts
>before they post, and that would mean a more useful and reliable source of
>knowledge, then again I may have strayed on to a social ritual that would
>prefer niceties to truth.
>Someone please demolish my argument, not demolish me.

I was not interested in doing either.

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