> Date:          Sat, 23 May 1998 13:43:07 -0700
> From:          Cisco <ci...@iftech.net>
> To:            silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject:       Re: nutrients
> Reply-to:      silver-list@eskimo.com

> Jim,
> One thing we have varified is the blood does go Acid in its Ph when a
> massive Herxheimer occurs. This is espically noticable under Rife
> treatments but has been varified via one of those little Japanese Ph
> testers we got for trial. We noted the swing began and could be timed at
> two hours after treatment of Rife and 4 hours after large ingestion of
> CS (2 ounces). This prompted us to look into manner in which we could
> quickly clear the system to help allow the liver to detoxify. Thus the
> ingestion of Papaya and large amounts of distilled water. This greatly
> improved the Ph in a matter of a few hours whereas the untreated Herx
> reactions could and did last upwards of 12 hours before noticablle swing
> in Ph occured.
        This is very interesting. And it makes sense that the blood would go 
acid in a herxheimer. Also, I would be interested to learn about the 
Japanese pH tester. Does it test blood pH from a drop of blood? (I 
assume it does!)
        One thing you might try to flush the system better in a herxheimer 
is a coffee enema. Brew a quart of coffee (use the caffine kind) and 
put in an enema bag at body temp. Have them take the  bag in and lay 
first on right side then on left turning every so often for at least 
15 minutes. Then they expel the coffee. This opens the liver up and 
lets it flush out the toxins. If a person has trouble holding the 15 
min. you might try giving them a regular enema first to clean out the 
bowel. This will help them hold the coffee longer. Also, make sure 
they get the enema tub into the bowel about 18 to 24 inches so the 
coffee gets to the liver. If you try this, I think you will see a 
great improvement in releaf of the herxheimer, plus the person will 
get rid of a lot more toxins and will feel better much quicker!
> We unfortunately do not and can not offer a IV Bicarb to the patient if
> Massive Herx happens by over exposure to Rife so we must be very careful
> of exposures. I get very concerned with the PPM values and the amounts
> of Silver I hear people are ingesting. The levels we utilize seem low
> when compared to many I have read and heard about on various lists. We
> utilize a tablespoon to two tablespoons daily and our measurements show
> somewhere in the neighborhood of 7-10 PPM. I would not suggest the
> 100PPM I have seen people discuss....but then I can only speak for
> myself and the tests we do as a team. Those who feel it is safe to do
> may do as they please but even with CS I feel there are threshholds we
> have yet to have time to study. 
Again, use the coffee enema, and you may be able to give a greater 
exposure of rife or more CS. Go slow with any experiments in doing 
> The Ph in the blood appears to react directly to treatment, intake of
> foods, infections, and bacterial influence. In several tests we have
> found the stabilization of the blood Ph within 4 hours on those who had
> Disentary.....I have yet to conclude why this is so unless the removal
> of the bacterium from the lower intestine cleared the system to promote
> its own balancing.....eh...dunno...it just happend that way. AS we begin
> to  compare notes we may be able to corrolate some of the differing
> factors and draw some lines between Bacterial and Verii as to reaction
> of the Blood and Urines Ph values when CS is ingested. If differing
> reactions occur this could offer us some diagnostic tools as well.
Yes, I believe that. We don't realize that everything we ingest, as 
well as many thing we apply to our skin, will change the overall pH 
of the blood and body!
Cisco, keep up this good research and keep me posted. When I see 
something on this end of interest, I'll let you know!
Take care and God Bless you, my friend!
> Cisco
> jein...@troi.csw.net wrote:
> > 
> > > Date:          Fri, 22 May 1998 14:39:02 -0700
> > > From:          Cisco <ci...@iftech.net>
> > > To:            silver-list@eskimo.com
> > > Subject:       Re: nutrients
> > > Reply-to:      silver-list@eskimo.com
> > 
> > > Jim,
> > >
> > > Unfortunately I have not read these books....but I find merit in these
> > > concepts. Yet I have seen the killoff of verii and bacteriun from CS in
> > > petri dishes at the University here. That is the reason the Prof's are
> > > helping me. I believe in the body, however, it may react with different
> > > MO. We do find it does kill the TB bacterium in the lungs....but then
> > > again that is in an air culture (in the lungs) and not inside the blood
> > > network system.
> > >
> > Hi Cisco,
> >         One of the things Enderlein says is that when the bacteria reverts
> > back to the non-pathogenic form it is too small to see with a light
> > microscope. So some of that could be happening here as well. I am
> > just learning this stuff, so I don't yet have a real good
> > understanding of it either.
> > 
> > > This train of thought appears to be going in a proper direction although
> > > many things also show Herx from the intake of CS. By increase of the
> > > blood Ph and urine Ph we can tell that dead matter is floating around
> > > and being disposed of by the liver. For those only using CS and not Rife
> > > this could place a small wrench in this hypothisis......but maybe not.
> > >
> > No, I don't think it does, but I'll have to read up on it more to get
> > a good understanding of it myself. I know there is debris in any type
> > of detox, but we must also know that cell debris will float in the
> > blood too. Keep an open mind (I know you do), and we will try to come
> > to some kind of conclusion about all this stuff.
> > 
> > > Cisco
> > >
> > > jein...@troi.csw.net wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > X-To:          <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> > > > > From:          "Darryl Jones" <vital.ea...@hunterlink.net.au>
> > > > > To:            <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> > > > > Subject:       Re: nutrients
> > > > > Date:          Fri, 22 May 1998 12:33:05 +1000
> > > > > Reply-to:      silver-list@eskimo.com
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > Darryl,
> > > >         Sorry, I guess I got over your head with this post.
> > > >         I have been studying dark field microscopy and the ideals of Dr.
> > > > Enderlein of Germany. Let me see if I can explain this in a nutshell.
> > > > If you look at live blood under the dark field microscope, you can
> > > > see the bacteria in the blood. Under a normal balanced chemistry this
> > > > bacteria is considered a good bacteria. It helps us digest our food,
> > > > and it helps the cells uptake the food. It also makes vitamins and
> > > > enzymes. But, when the body chemistry starts to drift away from the
> > > > normal levels, the bacteria change to a higher form, and the more the
> > > > chemistry gets off the higher the form. Some of these forms are
> > > > fungus, cell wall deficient, even virus. Once the chemistry balance
> > > > is again normalized, the bacteria again revert back to the good form.
> > > > And yes the good form is non-pathogenic, the bad form is pathogenic.
> > > > According to Enderlein, this bacterial form cannot be destroyed. It
> > > > lives on even after our death. If what Enderlein said was true (and I
> > > > believe it is.) then we are not really killing these bacteria, but
> > > > only reverting them back to non-pathogenic forms where they once
> > > > again become beneficial.
> > > > So, my point is that the CS sprayed on the soil may in fact keep the
> > > > bacteria from becoming pathogenic, and if it has already became
> > > > pathogenic then the CS may be reversing it back to a non-pathogenic
> > > > form. There is much scientific evidence all the way back over 100
> > > > years to prove these ideas.
> > > > It all started with Bechamp in France who said that bacteria changes
> > > > to many forms. But the concept of a different bacteria/virus for
> > > > every disease was brought out at the same time by Pasteur, and the
> > > > scientific community believed Pasteur. (Actually it started before
> > > > Bechamp by someone else, can't remember his name, but on his death
> > > > bed Pasteur admitted that man was right all along!)
> > > > Well, I hope you are not overly confused. This subject gets very
> > > > deep. I don't have a full understanding of it myself, but I continue
> > > > to learn.
> > > >
> > > > Check below for my reply to your individual questions.
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >Darryl,
> > > > > You are harsh!
> > > > >
> > > > > But  am I factual is a better question?
> > > > >
> > > > I don't know. We don't always have a way of checking to be sure what
> > > > we say is fact. So called facts have a way of changing over time. It
> > > > was once a fact that man could not fly. But that is no longer a fact.
> > > >
> > > > > That is your way of doing things, I can stop that. I
> > > > > agree that you do make some good points. I also agree that CS may not
> > > > > be good for the soil. But lets look at this from a different
> > > > > perspective. (Mind you, I don't have any proof one way or another,
> > > > > this is just an idea I have.)
> > > > > What if the CS only distroys the "bad" bacteria, or if you are of the
> > > > > school of thought that thinks bacteria can change from good to bad
> > > > > and back again (which I believe it can) then maybe the CS is not
> > > > > killing the bacteria at all, but only changing it back to a good
> > > > > form.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > This is streching the bow to flat.
> > > > > Any broad spectrum anti- biotic such as colloidal silver can not
> > > > > discriminate between
> > > > >  " good and bad  " bacteria ...though I think here we should have 
> > > > > terms like
> > > > > pathogenic and non pathogenic.
> > > > >
> > > > Not at all. If the idea I gave you above is true, the silver doesn't
> > > > kill anything, it only changes it or brings it back to balance, which
> > > > is not such a great feat at all!
> > > >
> > > > > I>f this is the case, the soil would only benefit from being
> > > > > sprayed with CS, just as the body benefits from CS.
> > > > >
> > > > > I still don't get it. What are we killing in the soil that is so 
> > > > > harmful?
> > > > >
> > > > Again, are we KILLING anything. Maybe not!
> > > >
> > > > > >We are made up of
> > > > > bacteria much like the soil, and the CS does not make us barren!
> > > > >
> > > > > How are we " made up of bacteria " ?... I have never heard of that 
> > > > > before?
> > > > >
> > > > I think I explained that above.
> > > > Take care!
> > > > Jim
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > regards
> > > > > Darryyll
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Just a way to look at it different.
> > > > > God Bless you all!
> > > > > Jim Einert, N.D.
> > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > >Darryl,
> > > > > > You make some good points, however.........  I'm going to go out on 
> > > > > > a limb
> > > > > > here and say that it isn't the fact that you disagree with people, 
> > > > > > it is
> > > > > > the
> > > > > > way you go about it that causes the problem.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Well why pussy foot around ?
> > > > > > Why should communications here be all nice touchy, feeley stuff ?  
> > > > > > If we
> > > > > > are to get to the truth about the use and abuse of C/S silver then 
> > > > > > if some
> > > > > > of us have some really factual stuff to put up why not simply put 
> > > > > > it up
> > > > > > ...if that means demolishing something that is nonsense what better 
> > > > > > way to
> > > > > > do it ....if someone else  puts up something to knock out a wrongly 
> > > > > > held
> > > > > > belief by me, I will be better off for it .... if they have to 
> > > > > > apologise
> > > > > > for putting me right just to keep some
> > > > > > " feel good "  thing going, it might not knock out the wrongly held 
> > > > > > belief
> > > > > > in me, or others.
> > > > > > I am not being combative for the sake of it, but don't you think we 
> > > > > > loose
> > > > > > credibility here if we accept stuff just because it is contributed 
> > > > > > ????  [
> > > > > > From me or others! ]
> > > > > > Someone prove that sterilising the soil with an antibiotic like C/S 
> > > > > > will
> > > > > > make for healthy plants please step forward ....... If I am wrong 
> > > > > > this
> > > > > time
> > > > > > and Cisco is right it is up to him and others to demonstrate that 
> > > > > > with
> > > > > > facts, not fantasies or  apologies ....after all he contributed the
> > > > > > information as " facts" ...someone not knowing otherwise would make 
> > > > > > a big
> > > > > > error in accepting those " facts "  and implementing them, C/S would
> > > > > > suffer, as would the user of C/S ...and all because just the 
> > > > > > opposite case
> > > > > > was not put up forcefully enough!
> > > > > > There are plenty of places on the Internet to have social chit 
> > > > > > chat, and
> > > > > > accept any theory simply because you don't want to offend a new 
> > > > > > found
> > > > > > friend, but they will not become repositories of truth, useful,  or
> > > > > factual
> > > > > > information, when people are here searching for what could be life 
> > > > > > or
> > > > > death
> > > > > > knowledge.
> > > > > > Perhaps a sharper tone will cause people to think or check their 
> > > > > > facts
> > > > > > before they post, and that would mean a more useful and reliable 
> > > > > > source of
> > > > > > knowledge, then again I may have strayed on to a social ritual that 
> > > > > > would
> > > > > > prefer niceties to truth.
> > > > > > Someone please demolish my argument, not demolish me.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Darryyl
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > .
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --
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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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