>Unfortunately I have not read these books....but I find merit in these
>concepts. Yet I have seen the killoff of verii and bacteriun from CS in
>petri dishes at the University here. That is the reason the Prof's are
>helping me. I believe in the body, however, it may react with different
>MO. We do find it does kill the TB bacterium in the lungs....but then
>again that is in an air culture (in the lungs) and not inside the blood
>network system.
>This train of thought appears to be going in a proper direction although
>many things also show Herx from the intake of CS. By increase of the
>blood Ph and urine Ph we can tell that dead matter is floating around
>and being disposed of by the liver. For those only using CS and not Rife
>this could place a small wrench in this hypothisis......but maybe not.
>jein...@troi.csw.net wrote:


just a note, the gram neg rod serratia plymuyhica is more easily destroyed
in the body with a more alkaline ph.  ph<5.5 and no antibiotic will kill
it--this research in med art.  once not thought so seriuos and rare in
humans, this is being disp[roven.  Not as pop as cousin martcesecsn-sp? but
that is what i have now sll over sepsis.  not making much headway, th gent
may be toostong--gentamycin.  so i styarted taking bICARB ONCE a day, some
diff. we'll see.
Pray and remember the body is different everyone's is so postulate and
educate but being a clinician who listens to ,pt and gets clues from body
is imp.  also pt listening to body to rtespond is imp  too many sticks no
veins left sdo going lomnline-can't tpe either one hand  back to bed

Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer

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