You might try Tahitian Noni (tube) to put on her skin.  When I've had skin
problems (rash, etc.), I've used either Mannatech's or Tahitian Noni's
skin formulation.  Each time, the problem cleared up, most times
immediately.  Tahitian Noni's cream (from Morinda) seems the more
effective, but both have reduced skin growths. 

About two weeks ago, I put some Noni on my friend's legs (it was almost
black). She acquired an infection several years ago, which she hasn't been
able to rid herself of.  But after applying the Noni cream, she hasn't
had any pain, although her legs are still discolored.  The Noni seems to
help the body fight off infections, eliminate poisons, etc., by
stimulating immune response. 

:)  Joyce Inouye   <>

On Tue, 12 May 1998, Robert L. Wells wrote:

> Valerie has been writing an urgent plea for help on the Lyme
> newsgroup since yesterday.  She has a daughter who is very
> ill from an apparent insect bite.  I am going to post pieces
> of her various posts below.  If you have any ideas, please
> contact her directly at the addresses she gives:
> You can email me through this address of
> until the 13th -
> then you'll have to email me through the
> email address.
> Hello,
> I'm writing to see if anyone here can give me some
> help/information. The
> story... so far...
> May 3 - daughter's arm - bug bite looking mark.
> May 4 - daughter's arm - bug bite turns to "ringworm" look.
> May 5 - daughter's arm - ringwork look fills in, becomes
> VERY RED, hard and
> begins to sweel, looks "bubbled".
> May 6 - daughter's arm - the "bite area" now has doubled in
> size, the area
> around it looks "whelped" like an allergic reaction, her arm
> looks like a
> huge knot. We take her to the emergency room - shortness of
> breath (already
> an asthma established patient), stomachache and of course,
> her arm hurts.
> The ER doc thinks its a Spider Bite - and puts her on Keflex
> antibiotic, and
> 60 mg of prednisone in the ER.
> May 7 - afternoon - my daughter is worse, hard to walk
> around without
> shortness of breath, headache and bad stomachache. Slight
> rash around the
> "bite area" - she looks like she hasn't slept, but thats
> about all she's
> been doing.
> Doctor says its just an acute allergic reaction to some sort
> of bite, though
> he doesn't know what bit her. Says to discontinue all
> Medication, except for
> Benadryl, but puts her on a 5-day dosage of Prednisone, for
> her asthma.
> I discontinue the med's, and within 12 hours, she's worse
> and so is the bite
> area. I put her back on them, over the weekend. Saturday she
> sleeps most of
> the day away, headache and stomachache, arm hurts and
> shoulder hurts. We
> keep icing it, antibiotics, etc etc. Sunday she seems
> better, until
> nightfall.....
> May 11 - Back to yet another doctor (#3 to be exact) - this
> one is concerned
> about LYME Disease! Scrapes her arm for a sample, says its
> definitely not
> ringworm. We begin blood-testing for Lyme Disease, and she
> has to have
> another blood test in two weeks to determine???? Tomorrow
> morning, she has
> an appointment with her Pediatricain (Doc #2 - who seems to
> have thought
> this was nothing).
> Daughter's head hurts so bad, she says it hurts worse when
> she lays down.
> Her neck hurts her, her should and arm hurt and down to her
> wrist now. The
> bite area is still improving - but she looks worse and feels
> worse. We're
> still on Keflex, neosporin ointment, one more Prednisone
> pill, and of course
> Benadryl. Tylenol no longer makes her headache feel any
> better at all, so
> we've switched to 200 mg Ibuprofen per Doc #3's request.
> Anyone - comments, help, suggestions, pictures of the
> bite/rash (I've only
> found one on the net so far, but I've just started my
> search!). I have
> little time to spend on my own research at this moment, as
> she wants and
> needs my time and attention. I'd appreciate anyone who can
> help me,
> please....  she's the only little girl I've got - and even
> so -
> unreplaceable at any cost.  I feel like these Docs are a
> bunch of quacks,
> except for possible the one we saw today - so why did she
> refer me back to
> quack #2??!?!
> Signing Off, With hopes that my prayers will be answered -
> by
> answers/help/comments from anyone out there who reads
> this... my sincerest
> of thanks in advance....
> Valerie, Mother of Amanda-age 11
> Response 1:
> PREDNISONE  !!!!  a Cortiosteriod would worsen symptoms of
> Lyme, if thats what she has.  What would be the downside to
> putting her on antibiotics known to be effective against
> Lyme if the Dr. suspects Lyme. Keflex is not one of them
> IMHO.  Sooner is better than later.  I hope shes better
> soon.
> Valerie's Response to Response 1
> >PREDNISONE  !!!!  a Cortiosteriod Would worsen symptomsof
> Lyme, if thats what she has.
> This is what I've been reading and finding out - thank
> heavens she took the
> last one yesterday!!
> >What would be the downside to putting her on
> >antibiotics known to be effective against Lyme if the Dr.
> suspects Lyme.
> >Keflex is not one of them IMHO  Sooner is better than later
> The Doc who put her on Keflex, was the 1st Doc, in the
> Emergency Room - she
> did it because she diagnosed it as a Spider Bite, possibly
> the Brown Recluse
> aka Fiddle Back (poisonous). But, she wasn't certain. The
> Keflex she said,
> was the antibiotic of choice by most Plastic Surgeons, its a
> "skin"
> antibiotic and would help to keep the wound from spreading,
> and help aid it
> in healing properly regardless of which spider bit her. The
> Prednisone was
> for her asthma which flared up while in the ER and also was
> told it was for
> the swelling of the bite site.
> Then, 24 hours later, when she was worse and constantly
> short of breath -
> her Pediatrician diagnosed a 5-day course of Prednisone to
> "help her out".
> She's off both of those right now, and as of 4 pm tomorrow,
> we will have a
> Biopsy of the bite site/wound done - my Daughter having been
> off all Med's
> for 48 hours. I just hope she can get through the pain....
> she lays here on
> the couch in pain right now, next to me as I type this very
> message.
> Response 2
> Where do you live??? these doctors should all be shot.
> especially the guy who
> doled out the steroids!! the headaches are a classic sign of
> pediatric Lyme..
> it is essential that she remain on antibiotics if they
> indeed seem to cause
> improvement.... the testing will not be accurate as it takes
> the body sometimes
> more than a month to develop an antibody response.... and
> she has been given
> steroids and antibiotics which can skew the results... your
> doctor whichever
> thinks it is lyme needs to consult with a Lyme literate
> doctor... this is not
> any doctor who thinks that 21 days of antibiotics is
> enought... stay in touch
> and let us know what is going on!
> Valerie's Reply to Response 2
> I live in Arlington, Texas - closer to Dallas than Ft Worth
> - at least until mid-June.
> (and I agree whole-heartedly with you - the two of the three
> Docs should be
> shot - why won't they listen?!?!?!  They're supposed to
> help!!!!!!)
> >doled out the steroids!! the headaches are a classic sign
> of pediatric Lyme..
> This is scary, but I keep hearing it....  and I'm paying
> attention - thank you.
> >it is essential that she remain on antibiotics if they
> indeed seem to cause
> >improvement.... the testing will not be accurate as it
> takes the body sometimes
> >more than a month to develop an antibody response.... and
> she has been given
> >steroids and antibiotics which can skew the results... your
> doctor whichever
> She's been taken off of them - for 48 hours (since
> yesterday) to help get a
> "cleaner" Biopsy of the bite site/wound area. She's
> deteriorating even
> now....  she's just gotta hold on until 4 pm tomorrow and
> then we can get
> back on the RIGHT antibiotic. The Dermatologist said, that
> even Ibuprofen
> could sway the results - and she's only to have Tylenol, but
> it doesn't seem
> to touch it at all - but at least she's a little less
> fidgety.
> >thinks it is lyme needs to consult with a Lyme literate
> doctor... this is not
> >any doctor who thinks that 21 days of antibiotics is
> enought... stay in touch
> >and let us know what is going on!
> I will do that - I've got a slowly growing list here on my
> Desk, that I will
> take with me tomorrow. One is in Ft Worth, another in Dallas
> and one in
> Irving - hopefully between those three Docs, we will find
> one!  :)
> Sincere Thanks, Valerie - Mother of Amanda-age 11, hopefully
> not sick with Lyme.....
> Response 3
> Valerie,
> If you tell us where you are located, maybe someone here can
> give you a name of
> a local lyme-literate doctor.
> I agree that steroids of all kinds are dangerous with lyme,
> however with the
> athsma, this complicates things. I hadn't had athsma for
> almost 20 years, and
> it re-emerged with the lyme - I believe, because my immune
> system was so messed
> up. (I also had worse allergies of all kinds.) Once I got on
> antibiotics, my
> athsma and most allergy symptoms went away.
> Valerie's Response to Response 3
> >Valerie,
> >If you tell us where you are located, maybe someone here
> can give you a
> >name of a local lyme-literate doctor.
> I'm in Arlington, Texas - closer to Dallas than Ft Worth -
> until mid-June -
> then I will be closer to Ft Worth, as we're moving to
> Burleson, Texas.
> (I know - what a time to have to also move - this really
> sucks - pardon my
> sarcasm please....)
> >I agree that steroids of all kinds are dangerous with lyme,
> however with the
> >athsma, this complicates things. I hadn't had athsma for
> almost 20 years, and
> >it re-emerged with the lyme - I believe, because my immune
> system was so messed
> >up. (I also had worse allergies of all kinds.) Once I got
> on antibiotics, my
> >athsma and most allergy symptoms went away.
> This is good news to hear - that with the anitibiotics you
> got better,
> including the asthma. I've nearly lost the life of my little
> girl, numerous
> times from the asthma - so many ambulances, so many hospital
> stays.... and
> endless nights and days.....  I just hope and pray this
> doesn't make her
> asthma worse - but it seems to have flared it - like you
> said yours
> did.......
> Hopefully - the antibiotics will work in her favor, as they
> did yours....
> Thanks for writing - I very much appreciate it.
> Sincerely, Valerie - Mother of Amanda-age 11, hopefully not
> sick with Lyme......

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