> Date:          Wed, 13 May 1998 09:45:02 -0400
> From:          Douglas McMurtrie <dmcmu...@bellatlantic.net>
> Reply-to:      dmcmu...@bellatlantic.net
> To:            silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject:       Re: Emergency help needed with diagnosis!!

> First, the disclaimer, I am not an MD and I offer this as food for
> thought only. I tend to agree with Cisco's comments below. Because of
> the rapid onset, this sounds more like like a poisonous bite followed by
> a toxic shock than a disease process. If it is a venom based problem, I
> wonder if an electrolytic protocol might help. I know that electrolysis
> of the protein that makes up rattlesnake venom has been a successful
> technique in use for a long time. What I don't know is how long after
> the bite has been sustained is this method good for. Has anyone here any
> personal experience with this.  An earlier post mentions the use of a
> stun gun on the bite of a brown recluse. Perhaps the Bob Beck device
> might be of some use here. Does anyone have one that they might be able
> to FED-X to the girl's mother. I doubt it would do the child any harm
> and if it could break down the venom as it circulates in the blood
> stream then maybe the child gets some relief. Sounds to me like time is
> of the essence.
> Best of luck and God's blessings to you Mother. I hope all turns out
> well.
> Doug.

Dear Group,
        As a possible help with this problem, IF it is a spider bite, and I 
do agree with it possibly being that, then if the girl would take 
activated charcoal, it will help pull the poisons out of the girls 
body. Lots of water needs to be taken during the day as well 
(distilled water).
        Hope this helps,
        Jim Einert, N.D.

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