Hi Robert,

I have had chronic Lyme for several years and know many who have.  I can tell
you that I have a friend who believed she was bitten by a brown recluse
spider. She had a large strange rash reaction which looked like an infected
sebaceous cyst to the doctor.  She argued that it was a spider bite, he
didn''t listen.   He put her on  oral antibiotics and within a few days she
became much worse with a 104 temp. and went to the ER. She was then covered
with large painful spreading rashes.  The dermatologist was called in. He took
one look at her and said "Lyme Disease, test her".  Fortunately the
antibiotics worked for her then, and for a second flare up or possibly a new
bite, two years later.   Docs are not sure if this bite carried the bacteria
or activated a dormant  Lyme infection that she was unaware of.    

   You can have a  mild to very serious flu like reaction to a Lyme bite
within a few days.  Often it is mistaken for the flu.  Without  adequate
treatment, it will disappear only to return, sometimes months or years later
before it causes serious symptoms.

The ringworm appearance does occur in Lyme. There are many types of Lyme
rashes, not just the infamous bulls-eye.  I had only a small, non-itchy hive
for a few days.  My lyme doctor initially mistook his own lyme for ringworm.
When he developed flu symptoms shortly thereafter he was tested for Lyme.  His
second test  was positive. 

I have used oral Keflex for over a year in combination with other antibiotics,
and it did help even in late stage Lyme.  It is generally not the first drug
of choice for Lyme, but then it was not prescribed for Lyme in this case, and
of course docs have to consider her age and asthma when selecting a drug.  

Colloidal Silver purchased at a local health food store has been working well
for me the last few months, so far I'm no worse than I was on the antibiotics.
I had my first Lyme( western blot) test that showed I was actually killing off
the bacteria.  I changed to just CS due to a recent flare of severe allergic
reactions to just about everything I injested.  I have not mentioned the CS
yet to my doc, since he was not in favor of it.

I'm sure Valerie is receiving much help from the Lyme newsgroup. I'm sorry,
but I am from southeast Pa. and can't offer the name of a lyme specialist in
her town.  For what it is worth , I agree with others that feel this could
very well be Lyme.

Please keep us posted.


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