This list, as I understand, began as a spin-off from the rife-list,
as CS discussions were becoming too common for comfort there. If you
were around at the time and could fill in the details for a newbie 
like me, I'd appreciate hearing about it.

So the Rife/Bare enthusiasts are sort of our sister or parent group.

I appreciated Susan's posting describing the protocol she used. It
gives me a chance to get a bit more info about Rife tech than I'm
likely to any time soon without joining the rife-list.

I hope no-one will ever hesitate to describe other things they're 
using or that they know work. "Off topic" should only apply when 
discussions get so detailed or voluminous that they drown out other 
stuff, or would be better served on other forums or off-list.

Since an overriding aspect of our interest here is *health*, I
consider other alternatives besides CS to be reasonable topics when
they answer any members' needs. Thank you all for sharing your
knowledge and supporting each other.

Could someone post the rife-list particulars? What kind of message
volume does it have? Maybe some of the new folks would like to have a

Mike D.
your humble list-maintainer <g>

On 18 Apr 98 at 13:01, Susan wrote:

> >Fred,
> >I can't seem to find the references to Fibromyalgia a the sight you list.
> >Was the info in testimonial form or based on some research?
> ************************
> Hi a friend used to come to my house for rifing.  We used the whole
> spectrum of freq that D.Tunney was using at that time.  We never
> used any of the freq that cause "die-off" as she barely could get
> around and had to work.  So we left off any candida and fungal ones
> but I will post this list for you and you can see for yourself. 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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