  You did not mention how many batteries are in the generator.  I have 3
batteries and I take 3 cups of water and it usually takes about 2 to 2 1/2
hours before I get the 30ppm.  What color is your CS?  
As for floaters, they are little black spots that float around in your eyes,
most people have them from time to time but mine are always with me. 
Then for the ppm, I meant to say to make sure to increase the amount you are
taking of the CS about every two weeks.  Did you ever get that email that
candace posted to the list on the protocol for lyme when taking CS.  This
explains the dosage by weight.  If not let me know and I will go througy my
files and see if I can dig it up.
My herx has subsided for now.  We will see what the next couple of weeks
bring.  I expect in about another 10 days it will flare again.  (hoping not)
If I left anything out just let me know.

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