Hi John,

> I have been running some batches of colloidal silver. I first stop
> the process at 4.5 ma but never got any color from it until it had
> sat for about 2 weeks and then it started to turn a goldish tint.

For the purpose of these comments I'll assume your wires are 1 1/2
to 2 inches apart, 3 to 4 inches deep, in something like a glass of
water, distilled, at room temperature. 

You're probably in the "a few ppm" range, probably less than 5 and 
maybe as little as 1 or 2... (just my wild-a**ed-guess!)

> I decided to let the voltage run up a bit since the post I saw
> showed no significance in particle size up to 12 ma.

Just to keep things straight, you decided to run the *current* up a 
bit, right? The current, in milliamps, is what you should be 
measuring. The voltage is what drives the current, and is measured in 
volts. The voltage is not adjustable in your setup, assuming your 
using batteries or a fixed supply and no lamp or other current 
limiter in series with the cell.

Using those terms precisely is a good thing! <GRIN>

Now back to business...

> I ran a batch to about 7 ma and there was a good bit of the black
> stuff floating around in the water. I could really see the
> electrodes bubbling and giving off the stream of whatever. I guess
> you can just strain this through a coffee filter and then use,
> right? 

If you are careful you can keep that stuff from getting into the 
water for the most part. 

Don't stir anything up, and let the dark fluffy stuff form on the
electrodes. Then, you can gently pull them out of the water without
it shaking loose. Wipe the electrodes clean on a paper napkin or a
lint-free cloth, stir your solution, then put the electrodes back in. 

Do this every few minutes and you can keep *most* of the junk out. 
What does get away from you will sink to the bottom, allowing you to 
pour off the rest, or can be filtered out as you suggest.

> Thanks   John   jfost...@cableone.net

You're welcome. I hope it helps.

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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