Well, I only use bath/shower/shampoo products with no sodium laureth
sulphate, propolyn glycol etc., in it and I only use the Ecover type
washing/washing up  liquid as I know that all this stuff which they use for
degreasing engines and putting in anti freeze, is even in baby washes. It
must be pretty much lethal to have actually caused the morgellons to leave,
unless it really was the alphalpha that did it.  Good luck anyway. Dee  
-------Original Message-------
From: Rowena
Date: 20/04/2007 17:41:25
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: Fw: RE: CS>alfalfa for mystery skin disease- Morgellons
Dennis and Dee wondered at anyone using detergents in a bath.
For better or worse, my mother some sixty years ago used to use Tide
detergent in our baths.  I doubt whether it did us any good, but I never had
evidence of irritation or harm.  It left the bath surface nice and clean.
I never did it in my own household, though.
However, my reading in recent years indicates that what is sold as shampoo,
personal care products, etc. is not generally of better quality than laundry
products.  I don't suppose bubble baths are any better in quality.
Also, manufacturers probably take into account the fact that some people
wash clothes with their hands in the water.