Hi Dee,

I want to preface this post with the caveat that I am responding to this as a trained scientist, one who has been coached in analyzing data and determining if there is a clear conclusion or a need for more information.

Like I said I *know what is in kibble. I was studying raw feeding when raw feeding wasn't cool, back in the 70's. I am trained in scientific research and statistics. Show me the "raw" data and I will analyze the information. But it has to be a significant sample size from a variety of conditions or a well controlled longitudinal study, such as those conducted to establish dog food standards by AFCO and some kibble mfgs. Other wise we are dealing in beliefs and anecdotal information. Which as you will see if you wade through this tome, are not without their own value. Anecdotal information leads us to the need for more detail and valid comparisons.

Many of the skin issues are food allergies, often to wheat, or chicken. Even dogs that have never been exposed to kibble, only raw feed and no thimerosal containing vaccines have allergies.

You can not isolate food as the cause when there are so many other environmental factors such as toxic air and water, stress, poor breeding practices (such as inbreeding).

I have used raw to recover dogs from skin allergies and yes it worked because I took the dog off the food she was allergic to. After I healed her skin issues and figured out the allergy I put her on a wheat free kibble -- she was healthy and maintained well into old age.

I don't think it is the only factor but the increase in Cancer is in direct relation to the increase in environmental exposures to xenoestrogens, hormone mimes some of which come from pesticides. These hormone mimes redirect the metabolism away from healthy functioning.

Some of these can be in food including raw food sources, many are in the air and the water. We all breathe and drink a chemical cocktail that is unknown in its synergistic interactions. Some of us survive because we have among other factors adequate liver function that can detox our systems.

Do you feed only organic meat? If not you are exposing your dog to many of the same toxins that could be present in kibble. Is your dog in a city, if so then again it is breathing benzene from diesel exhaust, a know carcinogen and what ever your neighbor sprays in their house and on their lawn, there are pesticides in your electronics that outgas every time they warm up, including your computer, TV and stereo. There are pesticides in house paint, formaldehyde in your furniture, carpets. . .

The point is you can not isolate it to food. But I do agree you can lower the exposure by feeding raw IF it is organic. If it is commercial raised food then there is still significant exposures.

The incidence of shortened life span, disease and cancer has not been tabulated in raw fed vs kibble fed dogs so we just can't conclude anything with any assurance of accuracy or precision. Anecdotal incidents of health or illness do not reflect the true occurrence of problems in either population.

If feeding raw organic food stresses out the owner because it is so difficult and expensive then it is another added factor in the equation. If the judgment of raw feeders stresses out the owner, and the judgment of kibble feeders . . . you see there just simply is not a perfect solution, but we want to believe there is because life is uncertain and it is comforting to believe we are doing everything we can, only in most instances we are not. We still live in cities, drink city water and eat contaminated food, even if it is raw.

Life is just not simple and has many risks. You can not eliminate all the risk, and probably would not really be happy if you could. Just think about the lack of challenge in a perfect world. How boring!

Balance is the key, IMHO and we all find our own balance whether it is raw feeding or buying organic kibble.

The dogs that came back from the brink "might" have recovered on a different kibble but we have no controls to conclude this because you are talking about single incidents.

Just as ancient man concluded that the Earth was flat because they could not see it from a distance, I believe we are too close to the issue to see the big picture. And I include myself in this observation. There are many aspects of health that we just don't know so we go with our beliefs which are powerful healers in themselves. And we can't discount the power of mind over matter. If you believe that you are doing the best thing for your pets that makes a huge difference in how you feel and interact with them. That is a real effect and can occur with kibble fed dogs as well.



Dee wrote:
We are exhorted on a daily basis by doctors, media, etc., etc., to eat food
that is as close to nature as possible i.e. Cooked as little as possible,
and as much raw food as possible.  As far as I am concerned, this goes for
my dog too, and I have seen too many dogs get ill from eating kibble, and
recovering when fed raw.  Cancer is rife in dogs now, even very young ones,
as are things like terrible skin complaints, gum disease, diseases of the
pancreas etc., etc., if you go to the web site I mentioned, and see what
really goes into kibble, then I think you will understand why I do *not*
feed it to my dog.  I have friends whose dogs have literally come back from
the brink, when switched to raw and as I have seen it for myself, I know
what I believe to be the best way, and that has to be raw.  I have met only
one person whose dog did not do well on raw, but that was one out of
literally hundreds, so I think the odds are definitely with raw feeding, but
if your dog is one of the unlucky few then you have to do what you think is
best. Dee -------Original Message------- From: Garnet Date: 05/07/07 15:20:56 To: silver-list@eskimo.com Subject: Re: CS>Melamine chemical reaction in pet food recall (OT) Hi Dee, Are you up to looking at this issue in detail? I know beliefs are a very Strong influence and I have many of my own. I would much prefer to be in Nature, hunting and gathering the food we need for ourselves and our fur Brothers, but that is not practical at this time for me.

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