Dee wrote:
And yet you still say that feeding dogs over processed un-natural food is

Huh, "best" -- now you are taking my word and twisting them Dee. Tsk, tsk, this makes your position look very weak if you have to resort to those sort of tactics. Better back that bus up cause it's not helping your credibility in this discussion.

If dogs lived wild, what would they eat?  That tasty rabbit that ran
across their path, or munch away on a sheaf of corn?  It is only logical
which is best i.e.. That which they are designed to do; their intestinal
tract, which is short and made for digesting raw meat (I wish Kay was on
this list) and their teeth alone would tell you what they are designed to
eat I would have thought.   Anyway, it seems we must agree to disagree.  Dee

And that rabbit has what in it's stomach? <smile> And yes I do believe you would observe them eating grains and other things not on the raw fed diet list.

A short digestive tract is not conducive to digesting bones -- why do you feed them then? I have seen dogs chew grains. Their molars can crush and grind. How do you think they chew off a hunk of meat or bone? They can't swallow their prey whole all the time -- although some do seem to bolt their food.

Agree to disagree, you say that like its a bad thing? That is what makes life interesting, difference and discussion. We all learn through this process of "disagreement", hopefully. I must congratulate you on a tactful discussion of the disagreement. Very different from my experiences on the raw feeding lists where alphas will tear up anyone who dissents. An indication of their level of fear that they are not doing right by their beloved pets.

At least we share that in common Dee, heartfelt concern for our pets. But I must say that I think it is an indication of our level of fear and our need to be perfect. I include myself in this observation. Life is not perfect and we can make ourselves insane pursuing perfect health for ourselves and our loved ones. Just look at the flaws in Mother Nature, humans for instance <grin>, yet we continue to survive, sometimes thrive and evolve.


-------Original Message------- From: Garnet Date: 09/05/2007 04:37:35 To: Subject: Re: CS>Melamine chemical reaction in pet food recall (OT)

Me too, and I dislike eating out especially if they do not offer fresh

Veggies.>> Our food supply is at serious risk and most of us are blissfully unaware or in denial. Those of us who are aware do not have perfect solutions but at least we are discussing the issue and raising awareness. Organics is the fastest growing industry and a hot investment area. I see so many more products in the grocery than even two years ago, it is encouraging. I have to credit consumers for demanding higher food quality and safety. We have won some battles but the war is not over. Janet

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