Morning Deborah,

At 08:00 PM 5/20/2007, you wrote:
Can someone advise of a organic site that sells/ships rice and beans?

  Here is one source.

You are not going to find any place that grows 100, 500, or 1000 acres of organic beans or rice.

"Organic" is the most oversold, misinformed, and overrated process in the world today.

I use virtually all kinds of growing methods.

I have mentioned before that the soil has to condition most minerals before the plants can use them.

Also pointed out that MAN can chelate minerals just as good as nature can, ......... and I stand ready to prove it.

Seems some great person pointed out that matter cannot be created or destroyed.

Where did the minerals come from to begin with?  Did man create them?

They simply get handled and processed differently along the way by man and by nature. Some animals do a complex job of combining them and changing them in form, as does a compost pile.

I had a commercial farmer friend that started an organic project.
He worked long and hard for a few years. The more he learned the more discouraged he became. After all the work, he abandoned the project.

Seems I tossed out a challenge for anyone to grow more tomatoes on one plant that I can, use any method you like.

If you don't know the growth stages of the tomato plant, and the
ppm required for each, you are likely to fail. You cannot accomplish this easily with organic methods.

Likely this is true with most other plants. Too much of specific nutrients will cause a crop failure or minimize production.

One 80 year old farmer said my tomatoes were the best he had eaten in his lifetime. Also said the same about my corn.

I welcome any discussions on the subject,  Technical or otherwise.



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