I'm taking it for last 6 weeks or so and it works.  Like you 
I eat no grains and no sugar so this fiber sounded good 
to me and it really is.  I hope you will try it.


  Hi, Barbara, Thanks for your link.  Sounds like good information.  I haven't 
  eaten any wheat or barley products for the past three years.  I thought at 
  one time that I might have celiac, but I really doubt that that is my 
  problem.  Was tested, but only after having been on the diet for 8 months, 
  so tests were inconclusive.  And the diet I chose to use is a healthy one.  
  Eliminates all the flour products whose value has been compromised by 
  manufacturers. But this would possibly be a better choice than the current 
  ones I have tried.  Actually no bulk producing product has ever given me 
  relief.  I have taken most of them for months at a time in past years, not 
  recently. They just tend to stop things up faster.  However, I am working 
  with this surgeon who is trying very hard to help me avoid surgery.  He 
  isn't particular which fiber med I use, just so I use one. Again , thanks.  
  This evening I'll go to your link.  Ruth

  From Ruth Strackbein