It has to do with the frequency and intensity of the dosing.
You have to saturate the blood with silver faster than your body can eliminate it.
In my case that meant four ounces every twenty minutes for three days.

I was diagnosed with Lyme after I got rid of it by the antibody's remaining in my blood. Two years later I was bitten by more than fifty tics and when tested for Lyme and Erlichiosis, there was no sign of them. That tells me that I had in fact ridded myself of the affliction after 42 years of late Lyme

zeb caffe wrote:

I have two family members with lyme disease and have read on various forums many differeing opinions regarding the use of CS and lyme. From what I can conclude from all the reading and testimonies is that some people really benefit from it and others dont seem to notice any difference. I am thinking that it must have something to do with several factors- the different brands of CS, the amount used and the different ways it is made effecting the quality of the silver. I know that the silver protein is supposed to have some real problems but some people swear that it is much more effective for treating infections. I wish I knew the answers.

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