Personal experience is valuable and meaningful, Dave.  I completely
understand.  I also deeply and completely understand how profound your
information would be, as I suggested before, if what you say is true would
be in the Lyme Community.  You would have discovered something that no other
human being that I am aware of knows about who is either suffering from this
disease, or who has studied the disease for years to find a cure.  So, if
what you are saying is true, and your chronic late stage long term lyme is
gone, then take your information and experience and share it with the many
researchers, LLMD's, Lyme Associations, newspapers, and all other credible
sources of information so that others may benefit from your personal
experience, so as to find out how that could possibly be true.  If you need
source referrals, e-mail me personally, and I will do my best to assist you.

-------Original Message------- 
From: Dave 
Date: 8/3/2007 5:38:49 PM 
Subject: Re: CS>cs and lyme 
I get my information from my own experience. 
Have you been reading the posts as they come in? 
I clearly said I had been through 42 years of late Lyme and cured it 
with this protocol in three days. 
The spirochetes come out into the blood to replicate once a month 
and if your timing is at that brief time they die. Some stay dormant 
for years but in my case I apparently got them all. (hopefully) they 
couldn't be detected and it's been around five years now. 

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