Actually, I am reading the download and doing some research. Interesting. It appears that if one were to take sodium chlorate it would convert to Chlorine Dioxide when it hits the stomach acid. However the msds for sodium chlorate does not make me comfortable. I am going to research some more, and may post back some observations once I am confident of it all.

Marshall wrote:
Sorry, my mistake Marshall

Toilet stolen from Police Station.  Cops have nothing to go on.

On 8/30/2007 2:13:20 PM, Marshall Dudley (
I am not sure what this page has to do with the email I responded to.
That email said that people were taking sodium hypochlorite, which is
chlorine bleach, and I can find nothing on that page about either sodium
hypochlorite or bleach.

Marshall wrote:
On 8/30/2007 11:39:22 AM, Marshall Dudley (

Are you saying that people are taking Clorox bleach internally, or am I
missing something?


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