Jonathan B. Britten wrote:
This summary is what was needed. Thanks for that, Mike. The pdf is rather long-winded.

A key point is that the claimed function is "oxidative" destruction -- by chlorine dioxide -- of all pathogens with no damage to healthy tissue. H202 and O3 advocates make the same claim. I have no idea whether these are valid claims. I would worry about free radical damage.

At 20 dollars for a 650-drop bottle I think most of us can afford to give it a try if it's not dangerous. My impression is that the author is sincere and at least believes that he's made an important discovery. All he says is falsifiable and if it's not true will be found out.

The most interesting claim in my view: stabilized oxygen's effective ingredient is not the oxygen but rather the chlorine dioxide.

One last point: the author admits that his product is the same as stabilized oxygen made from sodium chlorite, but is 28 times for powerful. He also says one can make MMS at home and provides instructions in the second download and in his book.

Marshall asks if chlorine dioxide is the stuff in Chlorox Bleach. Good question. If so I would assume it is entirely indiscriminate in its action and would be very risky to take internally.

This was due to someone who was claiming that chlorine dioxide is the same thing as sodium hypochlorite, which is bleach. After investigating, I find that they are NOT the same thing. The confusion may have arisen because chlorine dioxide can be made from a mixture of sodium chlorite and sodium hypochlorite.


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