>my daughter is having calcium deposits building up in her body...she had 2
or 3 come up on her face after her child was born about 6 years
ago...recently she was having pain in her side and they found calcium
building up in the tissue between her ribs...she also has a spur on her
heel...now she is having pain in her legs and feet...is there  anything CS
can do for this problem?  does anyone know what could cause this?  all the
doctor did was prescribe her an arthritis medicine that is new but she
stopped taking it when she heard some bad reports about it...he didn't
prescribe any other kind of treatment...could it be a uric acid problem?
any help will be appreciated...
>thanks in advance

   Check her PH and yes could be an acid problem. Also try adding alot of
potassium to her diet. (Potatoes, bananns, etc)

Take Care 

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