Dear Patty,
Dr. Carey Reams taught that calcium deposits occured because of an
excess of one kind of calcium (alkaline or acid) caused by a deficiency
of the other. Alkalinizing calciums are calcium carbonate (oyster shell
and bone meal - but oyster shell is very hard to assimilate), calcium
hydroxide (excellant, but sometimes hard to find), and others more
difficult to obtain. Calcium lactate is the easiest, cheapest source of
acidifying calcium (but test your pH frequently, lactate is very
powerful). Sometimes recovery can be obtained merely by taking large
amounts of neutral pH calciums (calcium orotate, aspartate, citrate and
gluconate), and this should be done anyway in addition to the calciums
you take to balance your pH. Try to find some pH paper or strips which
measure in .2 increments (6.2, 6.4, 6.6, etc.) rather than .5
increments (6.0, 6.5, 7.0, etc.). The goal, according to Dr. Reams, was
to get both urine and saliva pH to 6.4, using calciums of the opposite
pH of what the urine and saliva tested (if you have an acid pH, consume
alkalinizing calcium). I realize this is in disagreement with both the
medical viewpoint and much of the holistic one. I've been testing
people for over 15 years using Dr. Reams' method, and have found his
ideas very accurate. Also, the full list of colloidal trace minerals,
ingested on a regular basis at a significant quantity helps the body to
assimilate and dissolve calcium deposits throughout the body. Though
there are many companies selling "colloidal minerals" out there, and
many (though not all) sell high quality products, I ended up with and
am very satisfied with the products from New Vision International < > , at least for the trace minerals. For a good source
of different kinds of calciums, try Daily Manufacturing 800-868-0700
 Feel free to email me direct with questions and comments (friendly).
Terry Wayne
--- patty wolfe <> wrote:
> Hello,
> my daughter is having calcium deposits building up
> in her body...she had 2 or 3 come up on her face
> after her child was born about 6 years
> ago...recently she was having pain in her side and
> they found calcium building up in the tissue between
> her ribs...she also has a spur on her she
> is having pain in her legs and there 
> anything CS can do for this problem?  does anyone
> know what could cause this?  all the doctor did was
> prescribe her an arthritis medicine that is new but
> she stopped taking it when she heard some bad
> reports about it...he didn't prescribe any other
> kind of treatment...could it be a uric acid problem?
>  any help will be appreciated...
> thanks in advance

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