Has your doctor tested you for Calcium or Magnesium deficiencies? That is the most likely- when I had a milder version of that, I was blood tested for those, and it turned out I was very high in Magnesium- so when I tried to get it out of my diet, the cramps calmed down. Too much can be as bad as too little.

On Sep 6, 2007, at 8:03 AM, faith gagne wrote:

Does CS help muscle cramps?
I am having severe muscle cramping of the legs and feet at night.   These cramps are more like seizures and they wrench me out of a sound sleep 2 or 3 times a night.  This is really cutting down on my sleep. 
My hands are also cramping badly during the day, though not as often as my legs and feet.  My feet and hands can sometimes feel heavy and numb.
My doctor does not know what is wrong and he has scheduled me to see a neurologist on October 1.
Will CS help this problem?
Thank you.

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