I look at the vaccine programs.....logically, with practicality and with no 
emotions...other than to say I think I understand why they exist and are 
sanctioned and promoted.  Seeding.

Fact. There is a certain amount of longevity expected from any commodity. 
Human beings included. All units of production, especially the non organic  are 
designed, more often than not,  with varying degrees of built-in functional 
obsolescence. So as to require maintenance or replacement.   Modern society has 
rapidly become technically advanced. We now definitively know the world is not 
flat, that earth is not the center of the universe, and we no longer use 
leeches as a matter of routine for every medical diagnosis. The median age/life 
has been extended as a result.

All societies exist in an economic vacuum with some thriving better than others 
-each creating its own standards.  Some Indigenous isolated societies want 
nothing to do with modern civilizations trappings, some imperialistic  cultures 
believe that industry is prosperous and thus imperative and mandatory.

Duality. From the cradle to the grave, in modernized countries especially, the 
carbon unit, not unlike a crop (human) is cultivated for highest production, 
thus maximum economic profits. The process begins at birth with immunizations 
followed with those yearly "check ups", at least until adulthood where they 
begin to wane.  During the prime of life (20's-40's) the unit produces the 
greatest benefits, ie.  pays the greatest taxes, insurance, has  expendable 
surplus income and creates  prodigies (more working carbon units)  for the 
benefit of all. The individual family units thrive on emotion and govts 
capitalize on that emotion which they fuel with the fear.....of loss.

 As the unit ages  (50's onward) naturally, it produces less and begins to 
deteriorate.  However, at this juncture its capacity is still abundant, the 
only thing that has changed is its production profile. It still generates 
tremendous profits and our medical system and those dependent upon it by 
association are the greatest benefactors.   I notice that the good Dr. Jarvik 
is shamelessly pushing Lipitor, in his old age, in television commercials.

Essentially, the decision, or option to be a disease carrier or not is one area 
that the government would like to seize and reign complete over. The government 
supposedly is created and exists for the people.    In actuality,  unless  
people can recite how govt altruistically exists for the people vs the 
perpetuity of the economic systems it governs, which are the main contributors 
to its longevity, vaccines in my opinion, have become intentionally designed  
processes of  built-in economic obsolescence. 

My granddaughter is almost 2 and has not received the across the board, one 
shot suits all  garden variety vaccinations.   And I would lie or forge all 
necessary papers, if necessary,  to keep her brain free of mercury, thermisol 
and only the pharma companies know what viruses.   Ain't nobody, has the right 
to diminish or rob her of her birth rights by   inoculating her to protect 
someone else's economic status. 

Deborah Gerard <devorah...@yahoo.com> wrote: I see your point Ode..BUT it sure 
doesn't give whoever is producing these vaccines the right to put mercury 
and/or anyother extremely harmful additive to these vaccines that are causing 
havoc in the unsuspecticing, trusting publics,  bodies.....debbie

Ode Coyote <odecoy...@alltel.net> wrote:  Regardless of unproven "bullshit", 
Does any transport person have the 
right to be a disease carrier?

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
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