Hey Carol Ann.
  My guess is that he knows better than to take the shit as well!!!

Carol Ann <saffiresk...@yahoo.com> wrote:
  Hi Kurt ~
Glad you caught the "good" doctor reference. :)  It was actually  tongue in 
cheek comment.  But,  the reality cannot be lost or overlooked in that 
generally,  people see him  as the premier  authority and innovator.  Big 
pharma, like the designer industry is not stupid when it comes hawking products 
via generation association /  name recognition.   Ya wanna sell a SUV with all 
the bells and whistles to a hip hopper, your not gonna use the late Bob Barker 
as a spokesperson.  I figure Jarvic must own huge sums of Lipitor stock and the 
press lately, has not been all that good. 

Jarvic is an exemplary demonstration of an economic system functioning at its 
best and wading through their dis-info and profit inspired cesspool swamps  are 
difficult. Lets face it. "good" is really a word which becomes  a matter of 
objective or subjective perspective. For big pharma's agenda, Jarvic is good. 
Very good.

Otherwise, I completely agree with your engineering assessments. :)

Kurt Milkowski <kurt.milkow...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:    Hey Carol Ann,
  Great piece of writing here. The only things I will disagree with is the 
median age extension and the "good' Doctor Jarvic. 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
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