At 09:36 AM 10/12/2007 -0700, you wrote:

Believe that crap they will tell you more. Take a look,a good look at what vaccines are all about. Vaccines have never eliminated anything from anyone. Woder why the Amish have never ever had an autistic child? Because they don't vaccinate.
## The incidences of autism is linked to ***mercury*** "IN" vaccines, not any "vaccine".
 Make the distinction and the statement may have a chance of believability.

Better check on that Amish statistic. There are many sources of mercury in the environment and the Amish don't report much of anything to anyone. They also don't tend to live near where mercury waste product emissions are a big environmental problem.

The incidences of autism as a percentage *seems* to have gone up with more vaccinations. Not only is that debatable, but if the *mercury link* holds, so has mercury pollution gone up dramatically and since the control population of non vaccinated has become almost nonexistent, it's trying to prove a negative by lack of evidence.
That just doesn't hold water, never did, never will.

Take a look at the gulf war vets. Gulf war syndrome, which is basically ALS or Lou gehrigs disease, didn't show up in a single french soldier. Why? because they weren't vaccinated!! By the way more soldiers have died as a result of the gulf war than died during Viet Nam. If you have been vaccinated you ARE carrying a disease, not the other way around.

## How many French soldiers were there "in harms way", compared to the percentage odds of having developed GWS ...and it starts looking like "dodged the bullet" by sheer lack of numbers in the wrong places could be the difference. The cause of GWS has not been established and it *could be* a result of biowar or simply really bad air pollution. How many French soldiers were living under the smoke screen of burning oil wells? Would that be zero? The entire casualty numbers over the entire Iraq debacle have not matched a single battle in the Vietnam war, in some cases. Over 6 years, only a little over 4,000 have died in the deserts. Many "battles" in WW2 killed over 30,000 in less than a week. Now, 4000+ is way too many, but get a "grip", how about it. That's almost nothing in comparison.

"By the way more soldiers have died as a result of the gulf war than died during Viet Nam."

Not even possible.
50,000 or so died in Vietnam and many more suffered later from Dioxin poisoning before Dioxin was even a well known substance, therefore, not even looked for as a "byproduct" of making defoliants. The EPA lists Diesel trucks as a major source of atmospheric Dioxins. "Burning oil well connection" to GWS? Dioxin poisoning "maybe" ?

Just saying it's "all vaccines" when there are so many other possibilities is just not all that intelligent....but it IS "easy".

Just saying that "vaccines don't work" is going up against several centuries of experience that says otherwise and a whole field of micro-biology with documented details.

Every pandemic outbreak of anything shows rises and declines, but they also show repeats over a period of time.
Where is the polio repeat since the vaccine?
What happened to the smallpox outbreaks that have been repeating for millennia, wiping out whole civilizations?

That "some people" have problems handing a live but weakened virus strain, that some vaccines were made badly, doesn't eliminate the whole field of vaccination as effective.
It makes it "imperfect" with an element of unpredictability.
Like people.

No matter what is done, some percentage is going to have a problem.
That's a "given".
 The question is, how many have a problem if nothing is done?
Are you willing to kill the majority to save the minority? [even if doing nothing, would do that ] Well, nothing WASN'T done, across the board, in both environmental pollution control AND medical fields, so we'll just never know, because the alternative didn't happen, to study and find out anything at all about.

AUTISM OCCURRENCE: One in every 150 children born in the US have autism. It is estimated approximately 1 million in the US have this disorder. ## 1 million out of 300 million? Sounds bad and *mercury* in vaccines might be part of it [and has been eliminated from all 'new' stocks and Autism is a developmental problem that doesn't affect adults, so old stocks aren't being used on 12 and under as of 2005], but what else is and has been going on?

By the year 2000, the infant mortality rate had dropped to 6.9 per 1000 (Kochanek & Martin, 2005, p. 108) and the fetal mortality rate (greater than 20 weeks) had dropped to 6.61 per 1000 (MacDorman, Hoyert, Martin, Munson & Hamilton, 2007, p. 3). This gives us roughly 82 per 1030 additional infants who were born in 2000 in the United States who wouldn't have survived if they had been born in 1933. [Before wide spread vaccinations] If we use an estimate of 6 per 1000 of people on the autistic spectrum, one might expect that .5 per 1030 of those additional children would be autistic, leaving the prevalence rate unchanged.

Mercury is a dangerous toxin that has become widespread throughout our environment. Coal-fired power plants, waste incinerators, chlor-alkali plants, and other U.S. sources dump ***150 tons of mercury per year**** into our air. Much of the mercury in the air returns to earth, contaminating our lakes and streams as methylmercury, a powerful neurotoxin. Methylmercury accumulates in fish, which is especially hazardous to the people and wildlife that eat these fish. In 2002, 45 states issued more than 2,000 fish consumption warnings because of mercury contamination. Advisories for mercury increased 11 percent from 2001 to 2002 (1,933 to 2,140) and increased 138 percent from 1993 to 2002 (899 to 2,140). Large predatory ocean fish, such as swordfish, shark, and large tuna, can also have dangerous levels of methylmercury.

At what point in time did "autism" change identification from a blanket term.... "retard"?

It's easy to panic and point fingers, but doing so doesn't really say much about the problem. ..and the proposed solution may well do nothing about the problem while making what "appears" to be a source, a really BIG problem if it's eliminated.



Ode Coyote <> wrote:
Regardless of unproven "bullshit", Does any transport person have the
right to be a disease carrier?

You are saying that the smallpox vaccine hasn't eliminated smallpox?
..That cowpox antibodies don't immunize from smallpox?

Which vaccines work and which don't and that some vaccines may be harmful
to some people for different reasons, may be questionable, but the whole
field of vaccination is pretty much an over all proven success with
centuries of experience to back it up.

Smallpox inoculation was started
in India or
China before 200
BC.[1] In
Lady Mary Wortley
Montague reported that the Turks have
a habit of deliberately inoculating themselves with fluid taken from mild
cases of smallpox and she inoculated her own
In 1796
Edward Jenner inoculated using
cowpox (a mild relative of the deadly
smallpox virus). Pasteur and others
built on this


At 02:38 PM 10/11/2007 -0400, you wrote:

>>I don't think they can force you to take a vaccine, but they can
>>constitutionally en force a quarantine.
>No, they can't - but they can UNconstitutinally enforce one.
>>If you aren't vaccinated, you disqualify yourself from being an enforcer
>>or having any part in a transport operation, becoming a potential part of
>>the problem vs part of any solution.
>? Vaccines simply DON'T WORK. It appears you have fallen for the FUD?
>>No job and rightly so, but not force, just choice. Work safe or stay at
>Bullshit... sorry, Ode, but this is ridiculous. No one has the 'Right' to
>force someone to do something so ridiculous in order to keep a job.
>Vaccines are one of the big cons - right up there with the income tax and
>drivers licenses.
>>A vaccine costs everyone a lot less than a quarantine,
>More bullshit. A vaccine won't prevent diddly.
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