You'd be surprised at how 'cool' some of these guys are,  just under 
> the lab coats, nearly incomprehensible back deck  barbecue party 
> conversations and triple PHD exteriors
  No hookers to go along with the barbeques? It would help ease thier minds as 
they develope new ways to kill people.

Simon Jester <> wrote:
  > Silver IS being rediscovered in more effective forms as 
> nano-technology and ion exchange technology are better understood 
> though progression of discovery.
> You haven't noticed how many products it's being used in lately?
> The list is a long one.
> Even the "Pharm" is catching on.

Sp, we should just bow down and worship at the altar of big pharm 
because they have deigned to acknowledge something that some of us 
simple-minded peasants have known for many many years?

> As of around 5 years ago, a pharm research department head friend of 
> mine was working on metallic nano particles.
> That's all he would say.

Ahhhhhhhhhh... some explanation for your attitude at last. Begone, herr 

> Might have been touched off by a CS generator gift a year earlier.
> I don't know, but he got pretty quiet after that.
> They aren't all "turkeys" , you know.

Maybe not turkeys - but definitely COWARDS. If even a SMALL number of 
these people would stand up to the tyranny, the big pharmas house of 
cards would come tumbling down around their heads - and many, many 
people would end up in jail - and if I had my druthers, on DEATH ROW - 
for their crimes against humanity.

> You'd be surprised at how 'cool' some of these guys are, just under 
> the lab coats, nearly incomprehensible back deck barbecue party 
> conversations and triple PHD exteriors. 

Yeah, really 'cool'... Ode, you just lost any shred of credibility you 
may have had...

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