Now that is interesting...because here we have it: is sniffing good or bad? On the other hand flu gets in via the nose etc, and bunged up noses may be bad for air, good moist conditions. Certainly it's very uncomfortable. Maybe sniffing and blowing is best!



--On 23 October 2007 13:42:10 +0900 "Jonathan B. Britten" <> wrote:

This is a roundabout non-answer to your question:

I read a fascinating article hypothesizing that much of the human immune
response begins in the intestines, based on recognition of pathogens by
-- if I got this right -- gut-dwelling bacteria that, sentinel-like,
send out signals to the immune system.

The pathogens arrive at the bacterial sentinels via the mouth and nose.

If correct, it would seem that some amount of sniffing and swallowing is
essential to front-line immune response.  Post-nasal drip may be a good
thing . . .

I don't have a link handy.

On Tuesday, Oct 23, 2007, at 06:09 Asia/Tokyo, John Plumridge wrote:

Lighthearted question for the group. It's in the title. I'm referring
the condition of the nasal passages when there's a need to blow your
(or sniff if you think that's the natural response).

I'm thinking along the lines of infection through the nose  when
and the conditions there.

WHat have you assumed? What do you think? How do you advise your
WHat were you advised by parents, teachers, etc?

Do you still carry a handkerchief? Is that the best thing? If you a re
farmer, do you just blow it onto the ground by preference?

HOw does it feel - good , better, bad, worse?

What else helps clear the nose (apart from herbal vapours, vick,
cocaine... because they might stop the mucosal function and dry it up),
like conditions of heat, or posture?

Is it even important?


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