Dear Wayne,

Having come close to losing my life from mold in my house, etc, your statement concerns me a great deal. I spent close to15 years trying to fix myself, and control the environment by means of ozone generators, hepa filters, food, etc, ultimately to no avail. The problem was a hidden (to me) source of mold growth in drywall, that had been there for a long time before we had moved in to the house.

One of my main symptoms was sinus, then asthma, hay fever, it got worse from there. If I was breathing in poisonous toxins daily from that mold in the walls of my showers, I could not get well no matter what. The ultimate and only solution was to find the mold, have it torn out by someone else, then use the aranizer to kill the residue spores, etc. It took over a year to find it all- I'd find a whole lot of it (upstairs shower), have it removed, cleaned, ozonated, sealed, rebuilt, then find that I was still having problems. On to the next site, etc. After all that, I was finally able to clear the toxins from my system faster than they were going in, without the constant re-exposure and re-infection.

The CS really is getting all the stray stuff roaming my system, and with the addition of more raw food (thanks for the remarks about that) I am feeling better and better over all, with only minor setbacks as my body goes into more intense detox from time to time, or exposure to something.


On Oct 23, 2007, at 7:58 AM, Wayne Fugitt wrote:

  The mold and fungus in my house causes mucus.
 MMS zaps it but I cough worse without the mucus.
Can't win for loosing it appears.  CS still helps EVERYTHING !
  I guess and Ozone generator is next on the list.



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