TJ wrote:
> Buy a Canadian silver maple leaf.  Make enough wire for a thousand
> gallons. 

Or buy "fine" or "extra-fine" silver wire from a jewelry supply. You 
must specify "fine" silver, though, and *not* sterling, as they sell 

"Fine" silver is .999 purity, also called 99.9% pure, or 3-nines (3N) 
pure. That's the minimum purity you want to use.

Also, there are online sources for pure silver wire, at least one of 
which frequents this list. You'll probably hear about or from him 

Don't use Sterling. Don't use silverware. <shudder>

Be well,

Mike D.

>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Michael Zangari 
>   To: 
>   Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2007 5:25 PM
>   Subject: CS>Sterling silver Detox and Silver Wires
>   I have to admit my ignorance. I went out intitially and found old
>   sterling silver spoons to make electrodes out of.
>   I have a couple of questions. How do you detox sterling silver? (Being
>   the first one.)
>   Secondly, as I shop around for silver wire to replace the wire on
>   several machines including my silver pulser, I am finding that much of
>   the wire contains as much as 37% lead.
>   Is sthe wire use on the pulser pure silver? Where do you get
>   replacement wire, or wire to build your own leads to serve your own
>   needs?
>                                  =z=
>   =z= 
>   The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
>   Michael Zangari 
>   __________________________________________________
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[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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