Marshall said:
> I had histoplasmosis when I was 7 years old. Took over a year to get 
> over it. It responds very very well to nebulized CS from what I 
> understand. Addition of some DMSO would most likely make it even better. 
> Wish we had had CS when I had it, would have probably gotten rid of it 
> in less than a week, and not missed a year of school. Anyway, it 
> definitely causes one to have trouble breathing. I could hardly do 
> anything without getting out of breath, and clammy skinned. The only 
> lasting effect is that any time I get an X-Ray they think I have TB from 
> the calcium deposits. 

**** Thanks Marshall -- I appreciate the input.  I'm printing out all the 
replies to this thread -- except for one -- and am pursuing the various links 
that people have provided.  You're the first person to mention that 
Histoplasmosis causes trouble breathing -- that's something that I would have 
expected the doctors to know and to tell him.  Thanks again.  MA